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"You both blatantly disregarded the terms of your contracts, which explicitly state you will follow all rules set forth by Big Hit Entertainment," a stern woman stated over the video chat.

Taehyung bit his tongue for Jungkook's sake. The blood in his veins was boiling, causing a dull roar to sound in his ears. This type of treatment made him want to slip back into his old behavior. He wanted to lash out and yell at the people who didn't support either him or Jungkook.

But Jungkook, with his hand lightly grasping the elder's under the table, kept him tethered to who he was today.

"Taehyung," the woman continued, her voice harsh and grating, "you were ordered to remain home and to not accompany Jungkook on this tour. I recall us being very lenient after the last incident, so this request should have been a no brainier."

"If by incident you mean when I kissed my boyfriend, there was nothing to discipline Taehyung over in the first place," Jungkook defended, his voice even and low.

His interjection brought all eyes to the younger, but Jungkook didn't balk.

The woman went on. "And Jungkook, were you not clearly told to remain silent regarding all matters concerning Kim Taehyung?"

Jungkook couldn't take it anymore. "If this company is so committed to quieting the truth, it's not one I want to be a part of. Success means nothing to me if I have to betray my convictions. I stand by what I did and you will not make me regret my actions. So I'll make it easy for you. I quit."

There was a mixture of reactions.

Taehyung squeezed the younger's hand in reassurance, trying to convey that he'd support any decision Jungkook made.

Hoseok smiled proudly, while both Yoongi and Namjoon didn't outwardly show their feelings.

Jungkook's manager was whispering frantically to a woman next to him. It was Lily, Big Hit's publicity representative. Her once smiling features were arranged into a scowl.

The rest of the Bit Hit employees were a combination of silence and frustration. None of them, however, caused an outburst like Jungkook was somewhat expecting.

"You can't quit," someone new said over the video chat. "I work in the legal department. And your contract clearly states that only Big Hit can release you from your contract."

Quite honestly, Jungkook didn't know if the man was lying or not. He never took the time to read the contract in full. "Then fire me," he commanded.

"Oh, we're not firing you, Jungkook," that first woman said again. She must be someone in charge of all the rest to have such authority. "We've put too much time and money into this tour to just let you go. Unless you want us to pursue legal action, you will finish this remaining concerts. And once we're back home, we will discuss what your future with Big Hit looks like."

Jungkook's heart dropped. Did this mean he couldn't willingly leave if he wanted? Did he unknowingly sign away all of his rights to a corporation that cared so little for him?

"But -" He tried to defend, but was interrupted by that woman.

"I am the CEO of Big Hit Entertainment," she snarled at Jungkook. "Unless you want to go to court over this, I suggest you listen."

Taehyung squeezed his hand again. The elder didn't want Jungkook saying anything that'd land him with a lawsuit.

"Taehyung, however," the CEO continued, "you have run out of second chances. I have put up with enough of your antics and decided it's time for us to part ways. We're canceling your contract."

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