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"I don't want to do it."

"It's a really good opportunity, Tae," Namjoon responded, barely paying attention to the blue haired boy as he glared at the producer.

"We modified my schedule for a reason. I can't just leave Jungkook," Taehyung argued, trying to keep calm and not let his irritation overtake his common sense.

His producer gave him a soft smile. "I'm really happy you've come to take mentoring Jungkook so seriously. But this is your career, Tae. You need to remember you're already an established artist who needs to keep his fans excited."

Taehyung knew Namjoon had a point. Ahead of his new album's release, he'd been invited overseas to do a series of interviews for some of the most important media outlets. It was yet another way for him to reach further international acclaim and he'd be stupid to turn it down.

But leaving Jungkook for two weeks?

"How about we let Jungkook come with me?" He asked tentatively, the plan slowly coming together in his head. "He could see what it's like to work with the international press and maybe it'd be good publicity for him as well."

"That's thoughtful of you, Tae. But you know that won't work. The final showcase is a week after your return. He needs that time to practice."

The end of the mentorship program, which culminated with the showcase, was just four weeks away. The mentees were spending every minute preparing so when the time came, they'd excel in their final performances. It'd be unfair to have Jungkook miss that lead time, but at this point, Taehyung was trying to think of any possible way to stay together.

The two boys had become even closer over the last couple of days, even though they'd been too busy and tired to do anything but cuddle before bed. In those quiet moments wrapped in each other's arms, however, they were able to strengthen their bonds as both a couple and as best friends.

So to Taehyung, two weeks without his love - his person - sounded like hell.

But he knew he had no choice.

Taehyung sighed. "Okay, I get it. Can you have someone send over the itinerary?"

Namjoon hummed in confirmation, impressed at Taehyung's maturity regarding the situation. The artist had grown a lot over the last few weeks and it was a change the producer welcomed with open arms.

"One last thing," Namjoon called out before Taehyung left his office. "You haven't told Jungkook about the show tonight, right?"

Taehyung shook his head. "No. But I don't get why it's such a secret."

"It's good preparation for them," the producer answered simply. "Suga and I haven't told our mentees either."

The younger shrugged his shoulders but decided not to push further. "I hope it's okay, but I invited a couple of people, too."

Namjoon shot the artist a look. "Tae, this isn't some random performance. It's the company executives' first chance to see their potential new artists. I want to keep this as small and intimate as possible."

Taehyung smiled. "It'll be intimate alright. One of the people I invited is Jin, after all."

Redness rose to Namjoon's cheeks. "Kim Taehyung, you have no right to interfere in my personal life."

"Who said I invited Jin for you?" He teased, a playful smile pulling at his lips. "You do know he is my brother, right?"

Namjoon rolled his eyes but said nothing additional, knowing the boy would just continue to bait him. Taehyung sent him a mock salute before leaving, wanting to check in on Jungkook before his vocal conditioning session began.

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