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It was late when Jungkook quietly walked into the apartment.

His parents took him out to a nice dinner, listening for hours as Jungkook told them about his training at Big Hit. For the first time in what felt like years, they listened intently to each word he said. They asked questions about his experiences, laughed at his anecdotes, and praised him yet again for his performance earlier in the evening.

Jungkook's cheeks felt sore from smiling so much, but he didn't wish it any other way.

Now, back home, he waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. He figured Taehyung was sleeping and didn't want to disturb him with any unnecessary sound or light.

Once his vision allowed him to see the faint outline of furniture, he went straight to the bathroom to prepare for bed. He breezed through his typical ministrations before grabbing his sweats from the guest room.

After he was cleaned up and dressed down, he carefully opened the door to his room. To Taehyung's room.

To their room.

As slowly and quietly as possible, he made his way over to the bed and peeled back the covers. The elder was burrowed underneath, soft breathing the telltale sign of a deep sleep. Jungkook slid in behind him, wrapping an arm around his waist.

His intentions were not to awake Taehyung, but still, the boy stirred.

"Kookie?" He murmured, his voice heavy and deep.

Jungkook hummed and wedged a leg between the elder's. "Go back to sleep, baby."

A soft giggle escaped Taehyung's mouth.

"What?" The younger asked, kissing the back of his head gently.

"You called me baby," Taehyung explained, amusement adding a bit of color to sleepy tone. "That's the first time."

Jungkook squeezed his hip. "Really? Well, get used to it. I like how it feels to call you that."

Taehyung shifted in the younger's arms so they could face each other. His hand went to caress Jungkook's cheek as he asked, "How did dinner go?"

Jungkook ran his hand up and down the elder's arm. "It went so well, Tae. And it's all thanks to you."

"I was worried you'd be mad," Taehyung said honestly, his thumb tracing circles on Jungkook's cheek. "I should have asked you first."

"I'm glad you didn't. I probably would have said not to bother."

"They really love you, Kook. That was so obvious to me when I called them and when I saw them tonight." Taehyung moved his hand to play with the younger's hair, pushing it back off his forehead. "I'm happy you guys reconciled before it was too late."

Jungkook closed his eyes at the elder's touches, almost purring at how good it felt. "They told me they weren't the nicest to you on the phone."

A chuckle sounded from deep within Taehyung's chest. "Eh, they had some choice words for me. But they're already forgotten."

Jungkook's parents had insisted V was going to corrupt their son and turn him into a lazy, loose-moraled lemming just like the artist himself. But Taehyung didn't let that deter him. He made the call for Jungkook's sake and wasn't going to get in a screaming match with his parents. After talking about their son's progress and talents for almost an hour, they finally agreed to show up tonight.

Jungkook kissed the elder's forehead. "I love you so much, Tae. You continue to surprise me and show me how loved I am. Thank you for being you."

"You're worth it all and more, Kook. You are the love of my life. Always have been. I'd do anything for you."

They rested their foreheads against each other, the sounds of the other breathing lulling them to sleep.

But before either one drifted off, Taehyung spoke up once more. "I have to go away for a couple weeks. For work."

Jungkook pulled back slightly. "A couple weeks?"

"I tried to push it off. And then I tried to convince Namjoon to let you come. But I have to go and I can't bring you with me," Taehyung sighed resolutely. 

"I'm dating an international superstar, it comes with the territory," Jungkook responded lightly. "I get it, Tae. But . . . maybe one day we'll get to take trips like that together. When I'm as big a star as you."

Taehyung huffed dramatically. "That's a lofty dream, baby. To be as big of a star as me . . . woof."

Jungkook stuck his tongue out. "Lucky for me, the mega talented artist V thinks I'm awesome."

"Well, if V thinks it then it must be true," the elder teased back, before shifting his demeanor to one of seriousness. "You will get there one day, Kook. And I'll be by your side through it all."

Jungkook grinned, knowing his words were true. He let himself dream of the future.

"I want to go to Barcelona. Los Angeles and New York. Moscow and Tokyo. There are so many beautiful places I want to see. Promise me we'll go there together, Tae?"

The elder nodded his head, wanting that more than anything as well. To travel with him and see the world would be such an adventure. He could show Jungkook his favorite hideaways and the most breathtaking views.

"I promise, baby."

Jungkook smiled before his lips parted in a yawn. He tried fighting to keep his eyes open, but the exhaustion from his day was seeping into his bones.

"Let's sleep, baby. Turn around," Taehyung ordered. "I want to be the big spoon."

"But I want to be the big spoon tonight," Jungkook pouted with his eyes half closed.

The elder chuckled at his funny expression. "If you let me be the big spoon now, I'll let you be the big spoon in the morning."

Jungkook opened his eyes and scrunched his eyebrows together. "In the morning?"

Taehyung wiggled his own eyebrows up and down suggestively.

Realization hit the younger and heat instantly pooled in his stomach. "Fuck, Tae. How am I going to sleep now?"

"Sweet dreams, baby. I bet I know what you'll be dreaming about."

Jungkook rolled to his other side and scooted back until he hit Taehyung's chest. The elder instantly secured his arm around him.

They closed their eyes, both happy and content, until a soft buzzing broke the peaceful quiet.

Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's phone off the nightstand. "It's a text from Jimin. When did you guys exchange numbers?"

The elder sleepily laughed. "We're friends now, remember. What does it say?"

"Jungkook isn't answering his phone. What is he doing?" Jungkook read from the phone.

"Let me see," Taehyung said, holding out his hand.

Jungkook handed over the phone then burrowed his head deeper in the pillows. He closed his eyes and soon enough was fast asleep.

Taehyung quickly typed out a response, then set the phone down beside him. He knew Jimin would have something to say in the morning, but he didn't care. He spoke the truth anyway, writing exactly what his boyfriend was doing at the moment.

Sleeping next to me.

▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎


Had to use it guys, HAD to. My goodness.

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