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Jungkook twirled the ring on his finger, standing patiently as a stage tech ran a wire down his back. A hands free mic was set around his head as digital earbuds were hung over his shoulders. A makeup artist patted more concealer beneath his eyes and a hairstylist arranged his locks one final time.

It was five minutes until showtime.

Last week was a blur, the long hours spent at Big Hit blending together. Costume fittings, sound checks, and dress rehearsals cut late into his nights, sometimes not returning home until early in the morning. Despite the stress of it all, it excited him.

This was what he was meant to do.

Amid the buzz and craziness of the backstage environment, he knew this was where he belonged.

And then the craziness faded into the distance as Taehyung joined him, their shoulders softly touching.

"How are you feeling?" The elder asked, looking breathtaking in a tailored suit. He wore a black choker around his neck and oozed both elegance and sex appeal.

Jungkook shook his head, clearing the images of Taehyung wearing nothing but that choker. “I feel oddly calm,” he responded at last, observing the large audience. The venue was capable of holding ten thousand.

It was sold out.

"It's because you're such a natural," Taehyung noted, his eyes falling to Jungkook's hand. "And because you have a good luck charm."

The younger smiled down at his hand, to where he was fiddling with his ring. After Taehyung came back from his press tour - and after they had their fun in the bathroom - the elder gifted Jungkook with the beautifully crafted piece of jewelry.

Taehyung had purchased matching rings, which were slender white gold bands engraved with a popular jeweler's name. They were meant as a symbol of his love for the younger; that no matter where they were, they’d always be part of a matching set.

They’d always belong together.

Jungkook loved the item, though he loved the symbolism even more.
"You're my good luck charm, Tae."

Taehyung pivoted to face him, carefully pulling the ring off of his own finger. “Then take an extra part of me, too.”

The ring was slid right on top of Jungkook’s.

The younger desperately wanted to embrace Taehyung, but there were too many people around. Namjoon was just a few feet away, his hands placed reassuringly on Yeonjun’s shoulders. Yoongi was positioned similarly with Jimin. 

Taehyung traced where Jungkook was looking, saw how his producers were interacting with their mentees, and firmly placed his palms on Jungkook’s shoulders. To anyone scanning over them, it would look harmless enough.

Except, if one was to look closely, they'd see how Taehyung's thumbs caressed the skin at the base of Jungkook's neck.

“Whatever happens out there, remember I will always be here for you. I am your number one fan and I love you more than anything,” the elder whispered, his eyes twinkling with pride. “Never forget that.”

Jungkook smiled at him, his heart beating surely in his chest. "As if I could ever forget. You make me so happy, Tae. You've shown me how love can conquer anything. You've shown me how loved I am."

"And I'll continue to show you that every day."

The younger extended his hands to Taehyung. "Take my hands now."

The elder accepted after quickly scanning their surroundings.

"You are the cause of my euphoria, Kim Taehyung. I want you to always remember that."

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