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"You still haven't answered me, Joon."
Jin was following the producer through a labyrinth of hallways, keeping right on Namjoon's tail so he didn't lose him.
"I'm not ready to give you an answer, Jin," the younger responded, walking faster even though he was starting to get lost in the building.
A hand reached out and grabbed his shoulder, spinning him around.
"Will you just stop for two seconds?" Jin commanded, a frown distorting his features. "All I'm looking for is a simple yes or no."
Namjoon huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. "It's not that simple though!"
"Things are as simple or complicated as we make them. So if you're scared, that's one thing - "
The younger cut him off. "I am not scared."
Jin chuckled, his eyebrows raising high on his forehead. "Okay, then what's with the hold up? Are you just indecisive?"

"Jin . . . what will other people think?"

The elder smiled softly at him. "Who cares what other people think. This is your life. As long as you live by the rules you set, that's all that matters."

Namjoon gnawed on his lip, clearly uncertain with the decision. This felt like a big deal to him, one that warranted a lot of thought. What if he made the wrong call? Would he have to live with those repercussions his entire life?

"I don't want to force you into anything, even though it was your idea. But if this is something you really want, I'll be there by your side through it all," Jin placed his hand on the younger's forearm, rubbing it affectionately.

Namjoon looked down at Jin's hand. "You promise?"

"I promise. Now . . . yes or no?" Jin stilled his hand as he waited for an answer.

The younger met Jin's eyes, and upon seeing his confidence, smiled. "Yes. What's a little bit of pain in exchange for a lifetime of swag?"

Jin returned his smile and shifted his hand to Namjoon's shoulder. "Exactly, do it for the swag. And now that we got the hard question out of the way, I believe there was something else you wanted to talk about."

Namjoon smirked and stepped closer to the elder. "Simple yes or no, Jin. Will you officially be my boyfriend?"

Jin pouted his lips, making a show of looking around the room. "It's not that simple," he finally answered, using the younger's words from before.

"What's not simple about it?" Namjoon questioned. "I like you. You like me. Date me."

"I've been dating you. It just took you five dates to accept it."

Namjoon rolled his eyes. "What can I say? You grew on me."

Jin peered into his eyes adoringly. "It's not simple because the feelings I have for you are not simple. They're weirdly deep and intricate and intriguing. But I don't want anyone else."

"Good, because I don't either," Namjoon replied, more confident in this decision than the one he made moments before.

"If I try to kiss you, are you going to freak out like last time?" Jin asked, sliding his body closer.

"I did not freak out. I was surprised, that's all," the younger whined, but rested his hand on Jin's waist.

Jin hooked his arms around Namjoon's shoulders and leaned closer inch by inch. "You won't be surprised this time, Joonie. I'm giving you fair warning. I'm about to kiss you."

Instead of replying, Namjoon closed the space between them. Despite going on upwards of ten dates over the last few weeks, this was their first kiss. It had taken a while for Namjoon to accept that he was interested in Jin. It took even longer than that for him to acknowledge he had feelings. But the whole way, Jin was patient and understanding.

He was also annoyingly confident that the younger would come around.

And he did.

Jin pulled away and rested his forehead against Namjoon's, happiness washing over him. "So, about what we were talking about before. Pain and swag. Are you ready?"

"I'm ready."

"What the hell are you guys ready for that involves pain and swag?" A new voice asked.

The newfound couple turned their heads to the voice, only to find Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin standing there. A faint blush colored Namjoon's cheeks at being caught, but Jin proudly took the younger's hand within his own.

"Not going to answer me?" Yoongi grumbled.

Jin greeted the three boys with a wave. "Joonie and I are going to get our ears pierced! He's been debating it for weeks now and he finally decided to go ahead with it. This boy is so indecisive sometimes."

Hoseok chuckled and nodded towards Namjoon. "That's what you've been worried about this past week? I thought you were freaking out about your relationship status with Jin."

"Oddly, that's the only thing I've been sure about these last few days," he answered sheepishly, nudging his new boyfriend's shoulder. "Once he worms his way under your skin, there's no getting him out."

"Are you comparing me to a parasite?" Jin demanded, his voice raising a few octaves.

Namjoon shrugged his shoulders. "Remember what I said earlier? You grew on me."

"My corny jokes have also grown on you it seems," Jin commented under his breath, but pulled him forward. "Enough stalling, we're going to the piercing parlor."

Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin watched them go before the older two turned towards Jimin.

"Alright, now that they're gone let's talk," Hoseok chimed, energy radiating off of him.

Yoongi, who stood there hunched over with hands in his pockets, was the exact opposite of the choreographer. It made Jimin wonder how the two got together in the first place.

Jimin looked at his shoes, dreading the upcoming conversation. He knew it wasn't about the mentorship program; he asked them that repeatedly on their trip over to this abandoned hallway.

"So if we're not talking about work, then what did you want to talk about?" Jimin stuttered out, still not looking up from the ground.

Yoongi grew impatient and took hold of Jimin's chin, tilting it up to meet his stare. The elder's eyes were smoldering with an emotion Jimin couldn't quite place. It confused him.

The producer seemed to get ahold of himself and dropped his hand, taking a step back to Hoseok's side.

"Well," Hoseok began. "I'd be interested in hooking up with you. But my boyfriend here seems to have other ideas."

Jimin swallowed. "What other ideas?"

The stoic producer stared at Jimin, who unconsciously took a step back. Yoongi remained quiet, however, so Hoseok sighed restlessly.

"When your mentorship is through, he wants to date you."

Jimin groaned. This was exactly what he feared would happen.

"Ah, fuck."

▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎


You asked, I answered! But seriously, I love writing side ship chapters.

For Namjin, I'm not the biggest fan of "daddy" Joon and "baby" Jin. No judgement against it, but I just can't write it haha. So it was fun to write an uber confident Jin!

And don't you worry, we'll be continuing with Yoonminseok again soon 😜

And boy oh boyyyy these concept photos 🥵

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