✅Dick Grayson

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"You know, I don't hate anything about you," Dick said as he snuggled his head into the crook of your neck, breathing in the sweet scent of your (f/s) perfume.

You laughed, pushing his head away and lying down on the soft grass.
"I should hope not, or we wouldn't have made it so far together."

You and Dick had been dating for just over four years, ever since he had donned the Nightwing suit. You shared everything together, and the both of you were inseparable.

"Well, there is one thing I don't like," He continued, as you sat up again and raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms.

"I swear if you say my thighs I'm dumping you."

He chuckled, shaking his head lovingly and gazing into your eyes.
He seemed to grow nervous all of a sudden.
He shifted around so that you were facing each other. The moonlit night was extremely clear, and it bathed your boyfriend in a silver light that made him look ethereal.
He took your hand, not meeting your eyes as he spoke again, fiddling with your fingers slowly.

"No, I don't like your last name." Your eyes widened, before you shoved his shoulder and rolled your eyes playfully.

"Well, my dad gave it to me, so go tell him."

You both laughed again, before the silence quickly turned tense, which you didn't understand. You furrowed your eyebrows, glancing at your boyfriend nervously as he still refused to lock eyes with you.
You and Dick were never tense, you always seemed relaxed around each other, so why now was he so nervous?

"Yeah, well I already told him about my problem, and I asked him if I could change it."

You froze, and slowly turned to face Dick, who was now down on one knee in front of you, holding out the most beautiful ring you had ever seen.
It was a stunning diamond, with a pitch black band around it.

You clamped a hand to your mouth, stifling a sob as tears streamed down your face. Dick took your hand once again, as he gave you a loving smile.

"(Y/n), we've been together for four years, and known each other for longer, and ever since I met you, I knew you were the one for me. I've made you laugh, I've made you cry, but now I want to make you mine."

He grinned, holding the ring up once again.
"(Y/n)(L/n), will you marry me?"

You flew into his arms.
"Oh my god yes!" The force of you basically throwing yourself at him made you both go rolling down the hill, both of you laughing the whole way.

You gazed down lovingly at your boyfriend, now your fiancée, and tears started to flow again as he slipped your ring onto your ring finger.

"I love you so much, Dick Grayson."

"I love you, Ms.-Soon-To-Be (Y/n) Grayson."

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