✅Titans! Jason Todd

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(You look like the photo up top)

You pulled on the controls with all your might in a desperate attempt to bring your ship back onto its course.
You were so close. You had to reach earth, you had to contact Koriand'r. She was your sister, the only good one in your opinion.

You shared some qualities. But, while she had dark skin and red hair, you had tan skin and orange hair, cascading to your waist.
And you both shared stunning green eyes, filling up the whole socket. You were younger than her, too, as you were only seventeen. But other than that, you had the same face and body shape. But, while Kori produced fire, you created bolts made of pure (f/c) energy, and force fields.

You had to warn her. You had to tell her that she could not return to Tamaran.

You felt the searing heat of your ship burning as it crashed through Earth's atmosphere, and that was when you lost consciousness.


"Hold on, she's waking up. Dick! Why does she look kinda like Kori?" You heard a voice shout as you slowly regained consciousness, groaning and opening your eyes gingerly.

You were in a room, with clean, white walls and tan furniture, on a soft white bed.
In front of you was a boy, about your age in human terms. He had black hair, that just reached his eyebrows, and stunning blue eyes.

He spoke in a strange language, you guessed the language of Earth as he stared at you confusedly, knotting his eyebrows.

You turned as you saw four more people enter the room, and stood up quickly in defence, lighting up your hands with your (f/c) energy bolts.
They were definitely human, with a man about twenty-two or three leading the way, with brown hair and matching eyes.

He raised a hand towards you, trying to show that he wouldn't harm you, but you couldn't take your eyes off the person slightly behind him.
The person you had been sent to kill.
Rachel Roth.

Word had gotten back to your planet that Kori had not disposed of Trigon's daughter. It did not matter that she had banished him back to his own dimension, she was still a hazard to your world.

You flew, as quick as lightning, toward the purple-haired girl. You grabbed her neck, and flew upwards, breaking a hole in the roof and flying towards a clearing as Rachel struggled in your super-strength hold.

You threw her ten feet away. She hit the ground roughly, rolling along the dirt path. It took her a second to get back up. She glared at you angrily, regarding you with a set jaw from your position in the sky, where you were about to send a Starbolt hurtling towards the girl.

You threw it, the (f/c) glare of the laser shooting towards Rachel, who dove out of the way swiftly, and opened her mouth, letting the black inky darkness erupt from her, swirling like a tornado in front of you.

It shot towards you, and you formed a sword with your energy, cutting through the wall of ink as Rachel screamed in agony, seeming to be hurt as you cut through her power.

She fell onto her knees, gasping for breath as you lunged down, forming a sphere of (f/c) energy and kicking her. She fell onto her stomach, and you put one foot on her chest in triumph, preparing to end her life.

"You will pay for the mistakes of your ancestors, Rachel Roth," You spoke menacingly in Tamaran, even if she didn't understand you. She looked at you in confusion, and shielded her face as she prepared for death.

"Stop! Don't do it, (Y/n)." You froze as you heard a voice speak in Tamaran. A voice you knew too well.
You looked down, refusing to look at the sister you haven't seen in a year.

"I am sorry, Kori, but I cannot. You will not be allowed to return to Tamaran if Rachel is not terminated. You will be regarded as a traitor if I do not, and you will be treated as such if you go back."

You raised your hand to strike again.
"Please, (Y/n), don't. She's just a child, she's about the same age as you." Kori pleaded, stepping towards you as the brown haired man took her hand warily.

"If not killing Rachel is the price I must pay to go back to Tamaran, I won't do it."

You took one last glance at your sister, before sighing deeply and casting your starbolt into a nearby tree, making Rachel flinch, opening her eyes to see she wasn't dead. You removed your foot off her chest, and she gave you a glare, before walking behind Kori.

You turned to the group of people, and cocked your head, looking at Kori confusedly.
"You do not want to return to your home planet?"

She sighed, before walking further towards you and holding out her hands, giving you a small, but comforting smile.
"This planet holds everything I've ever wanted. And I would love it if you joined me here."

You barely held back a sob, your emotions all surfacing as you saw your sister once again. You flew to her as fast as lightning, hugging her tightly, before being ripped from her hold by a boy wearing a dull red suit with an 'R' on it.

He threw you to the floor, pinning you quickly and disregarding Kori's screams in English as he glared at you menacingly.
You rolled your eyes, knowing you could kill him quickly, but didn't resist, as this could be you opportunity to communicate with the humans.

You pressed your lips to his, ignoring the Roth's noise of disgust, and the boy didn't even have time to register what happened before you pulled away, pushing him off you and standing.

You ignored their slightly grossed out expressions and turned back to the boy on the floor, who seemed to be in a daze.

"I am sorry for that, I believe that kissing is an affectionate term of endearment on Earth. But that is how Tamaran's learn new languages, I apologise."
You bowed your head slightly in apology, which he just threw a dazed thumbs up in your direction.

"Damn, if that was all it took to get kissed by a hot girl, I would've done that ages ago." He breathed out, grinning while spreading his arms and legs out on the grass.

You cocked your head to the side confusedly, turning to Kori with a frown.
"But I am not hot? I am actually quite cold."

Kori just smirked, beckoning you to follow the group as they brought you towards their car. The boy from earlier sped up to walk beside you and threw an arm around your shoulder.

"Hey, I'm Jason Todd, Robin, whatever you wanna call me. As long as I get to call you mine, baby."

You raised your eyebrows, knitting them together as you turned to look at the attractive male.
"My name isn't mine. It's (Y/n)."

He gave you a breathtaking smirk, which made you blush slightly as his arm never wavered from your shoulder. He just pulled you tighter, sending a wink to Kori who didn't seem very happy at Jason's actions.

"I think that you and I are gonna have a lot of fun together, (Y/n)."

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