✅Wally West- Science Class

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You were sitting in third period, bored out of your mind. Science class was horrible for you- you weren't good at the subject, so you hated the class and everything to do with it.
You were in an especially bad mood, as Valentines Day was coming up next week, and as always, you had nobody.

You observed the people in the room quietly, and you met a pair of forest green eyes. Wally West was strange to you- he was smart, crazy smart, but he was also star of the track team.
He seemed to fit into every category of high school, which meant he was liked by every one, and he was a good person too. Not to mention his looks.

You, were different. You weren't an outsider, you were just in the middle of the social group- unnamed in the crowd, which is why you thought he was so interesting.

So it couldn't be avoided that you liked him. He was sweet, he always was, and even though you had only spoken a few times, you had fallen, and pretty hard too.

"Miss (L/n)?" The teacher called, breaking your daydream state and making your eyes widen. You blushed lightly, putting a strand of hair behind your ear shyly.

"Y-yes Mr. Harrison?"

He glared at you. "Can you solve the problem on the board please?"

You squinted your eyes at the board. You hadn't worn your glasses today because Sierra, your sister, broken them yesterday by throwing a book at your face. So, you couldn't even see your fingers in front of you, never mind the board.

"Uh, I don't know. Sorry." You put your head down in embarrassment, your friend snickering beside you. You punched them in the shoulder, banging your head off the table lightly.

There was a knock at the door, and a boy opened the door carrying a big bag.
"Hello! I'm handing out the roses for the Valentines Love-o-Gram." The boy opened the bag and began handing out roses.

You looked up, smiling slightly. The boy went around as quick as he could, basically throwing the roses at people.
You had received five- all from your friends. You didn't mind of course, you didn't expect any from a 'secret admirer' or anything, as you knew you didn't have any- your friends are too gossipy for you to not know if you were liked by someone.

The bell rang just as the last rose was handed out. You packed up your bag, slinging it over your shoulder and making your way towards the door, trying to navigate your way through the mass of people.
Just as you reached the door, you felt a hand gently grab your wrist, stopping you in your tracks.

You turned, realizing it was Wally and smiling kindly at him, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear shyly.
"Oh, hey Wally, didn't see you there," You laughed, shrugging your shoulders.

"Uh, it's okay," He chuckled, rubbing his neck with his palm nervously. You knitted your eyebrows. What could he possibly be nervous about?

"So, uh, I've been thinking of a way to do this for a while, and nothing seemed good enough, so I'm just gonna go right out and give it to you."

His ramblings didn't really help with calming your nerves, and you slowly became as tense as he was, lost in your thoughts until he shoved something, rather harshly, into your line of view.
You took it from his hands, slightly wincing at the sharp thorns.

It was a rose. You blushed heavily, realising there was a card on it. You opened the soft paper, before sighing sadly. You didn't even read what was written on it. You gave an awkward chuckle, handing it back to him.

You could tell he was heartbroken. His expression turned devastated, and he glumly took the rose back before turning quickly away. Your eyes widened, and you caught him by his shoulder before he could run away.

"No, Wally wait. I love the rose, it's just I can't read what it says, my sister broke my glasses."

He sighed in relief, before reading the note shakily.

"Hey (y/n), I think the rose will feel more personal if I gave it to you myself. I like you, do you maybe wanna go out sometime?"

You giggled, already having guessed what it said. You nodded eagerly, causing Wally to grin madly and pick you up, making you squeal.
"I would love to go out with you, Wally West."

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