✅Jason Todd

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You drove slowly, dreading the sinking feeling you knew was going to happen when you entered that graveyard.
It had been two years since his death, but that time meant nothing to you, and all it did was make you into a shell of the person you were before; always happy and fun-loving. But that all changed when Jason died.

You were both young, only sixteen and hopelessly in love. You had both met when Jason was taken in by your father, and he joined your duo, fighting crime on the streets. You were unstoppable together.
Until he was taken from you.

You got out of the car, zipping up your jacket and putting your hands into your pockets. The soft rustling of the trees didn't help the anxiety pitting in your stomach; slowly consuming you like a wave pulling you into the ocean.

You lost yourself when he died. You became ruthless when dealing with criminals, and Bruce took away your mask and suit after you tried to kill Joker. He was right there, you had his own gun aimed at his forehead, and Bruce had to tackle you to the floor to stop you doing something you wouldn't have regretted.

You sat down in front of his grave, staring dumbfounded at his grey, cracked tombstone.
'Jason Peter Todd, loving son, friend and boyfriend.'
Even seeing his grinning face, a rare thing for him to do around anyone but you, was enough to make your eyes water.

"Hey Jay," You gave a watery laugh, wiping your eyes hastily.
"This is the first time I've been here, seeing your grave. I wasn't able to do it before, the memory was too fresh, I think it still is.
But my therapist said it might be good for me, to get some closure or something, I don't know."
You looked down, pulling up some grass from the floor.

"It broke me when you died. You were one of the only good things in my life. You made me smile, you made me laugh. You made me love someone more than I've ever loved anyone in my entire life." You wiped some more tears away from your (e/c) eyes.

"And then you were just gone. I don't know why Bruce didn't let me kill Joker, I was ready to. I had a gun to his head, I would've taken the shot.

"I don't do the hero stuff anymore. It doesn't feel right without you by my side, making stupid jokes and jumping recklessly into battle with me."
You laughed again, for the first time in about a year. You shook your head, grinning fondly at the lost memories.

Your smile slowly faded as you touched his gravestone, a lone tear running slowly down your face.
"I miss you. I miss you so much every day. I miss seeing your face, laughing with you. I miss hugging you, and you laughing at how much taller you were. It kills me every day, waking up without you."

"I've tried to do it, you know, more than once. But, I know you would never want me to do that. Besides, I cant just leave Bruce, and Dick, and Tim, the new Robin that I think you'd like.
I couldn't do that to them. We've had too much death in the family for that."
You thought about the impact of you dying would have on your family, and you knew that's why you would never leave them.

You stood up again, brushing off the wet grass stains and smiling faintly at the headstone, putting your hand on his picture fondly.
"I love you Jay. I always have, and I always will."

You turned around, about to walk away, when you bumped into a warm, hard chest.
"Oh, sorry," You spoke quietly, putting your hand on their arm to steady yourself before you fell over.

You went around the person quickly, not wanting them to see you crying, before you felt a hand gripping your wrist softly, as if they were afraid to touch you, as if you would disappear if they laid a hand on you.

You turned slowly again, cautious and ready to use your training if necessary. You finally looked up, taking in the man's features.

He looked about a year older than you, with tousled black hair and one long, white streak in the front that was blindingly obvious against his raven hair, but it strangely suited the boy.
He was tall, taller than you, standing at about 6'2", and you had to crane your neck slightly to look up at him.

But the thing that made your breath catch in your throat was his eyes. They were so hauntingly familiar that it made you put a hand to your mouth, just barely holding back a sob.
His clear blue eyes were absolutely identical to Jason's, and that made your eyes tear up as you gazed, dumbfounded with a heartbroken expression on your face.

The man gave you a faint smile, as if he was trying to gauge your reaction. His eyes were clouded with an expression you couldn't even guess, and he looked at you the way Jason always used to.
You reeled back finally, tears streaming down your face and sobs racking your body.

"J-Jason?" You stumbled back, tripping over thin air as you took in the man that looked so much like him.

He gave you a soft smirk, crouching down and holding out his hand to help you up. His own eyes filled with tears as he looked at the girl he loved that he hadn't seen in three years.

"Hey doll."

That was all you needed to hear. You launched yourself into his arms, holding onto him as if he was gonna disappear.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," You sobbed softly into his ear as tears streamed down your face and splashed onto his leather jacket.

He nuzzled his face into your neck, and let his own tears flow down his face.
"It's not your fault, (Y/n)." You let out another sob, only clutching onto him tighter.

"I had him Jay. I had him on his knees with his gun to his forehead. I would've done it I swear, i-if B-Bruce hadn't-"
He cut you off swiftly, shushing you and cradling you while your cries slowly died down to sniffles and the occasional sob.

"I love you Jay. I never stopped."

"I know. I love you too."

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