✅Young Justice- Castle on a Mountain

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*Third person POV*

"Okay Team,"  Batman said, as the Young Justice team gathered eagerly around him. Batman presses a button, and the computer lit up, revealing a photo of a dark-looking mountain, ridden with storm clouds and a looming castle in the background.

"This, is a place in Maldonia. You must go there, and capture the creature that lies inside the castle." He finished, as the team furrowed their eyebrows.

"Wait, what's the creature?" Wally shouted, crossing his arms questioningly.
Superman scratched the back of his neck, giving the team an apologetic look.

"Well, you see...." Superman couldn't even finish the sentence.
"It's a dragon." Batman spoke bluntly, and pressed the button again, revealing a photo of a terrifying-looking (f/c) dragon.

Wally screamed. "You want us to fight that thing?"

Batman nodded. "Aqualad and Miss Martian, watch out. It breathes fire."
M'gann gasped, while Kaldur just held a solemn look on his face. They eyed each other nervously.

Robin and Wally hugged each other dramatically, pretend crying.
"If this is the last time I see you, KF, I want you to know," Robin wiped a fake tear from Wally's face, as KF eagerly nodded. Artemis gave them a strange glance, locking eyes with M'gann and rolling them.

"You can't touch my suit."
Wally groaned, peeling away from Dick.

"Ugh, and to think I would've let you have my rock collection."


*your POV*

You woke up, the light shining harshly into your eyes as you groaned from your place on the floor.
You got up, rubbing your (e/c) eyes as you went outside of your home, the castle. It had been your home ever since you had found out you could shapeshift into a dragon.

You quickly changed, flapping your giant (f/c) wings as you hunted for food. You loved flying, it was one of the best parts of being a dragon- looking down at the people from far below, and being up in the clouds really made you feel like you didn't need to belong with people, you could be apart from everything in the clouds.

After you had eaten, you flew home and were surprised to see people outside of your home. You didn't change back to human yet, only hovered in the air, waiting for them to make a move.
You thought they were all dressed pretty strangely, in bright colours, reds, greens and bright yellows standing out to your sensitive eyes.

One of them pointed frantically at me, the one in a bright yellow, with some sort of lightning bolt insignia on his chest, and all of them got info fighting stances, which put you immediately on defense.

You roared, flapping your wings as hard as you could. Your sleek, lean frame helped your muscles move as you blew the teenagers away from you.

The green one flew up towards me, and you opened your mouth, getting ready to breathe fire at the girl. Her eyes glowed a bright green, and she seemed to speak in your head.

"We are not here to hurt you," she said, reaching out a hand toward your (f/c) scales.
"How can you speak the language of my kind?"  You shouted in English into your mind, flying down and landing on the floor.

All of them jumped back, besides one boy, who just roared back at you, and leapt, grabbing your horns and pulling you to the floor.

You roared again, wrapping your spiky tail around the strangely strong boy and throwing him into the air, before the green girl saved him, bringing him back to the floor safely.

You decided to transform back, changing quickly into your (y/h) frame, letting your    (h/c) hair flow freely. You gave them a fierce glare, your (e/c) eyes burning with rage.

"What are you humans doing on my land? You have no right to be here, I live in peace. And you have chosen to destroy it by barging in here."
You pointed a finger at them as they all stared, mesmerized that the dragon that was standing before them mere seconds ago, was a human.

"Hey! She's not even a dragon! She's just a girl!" The Lightning Boy exclaimed with relief, wiping an imaginary sweat drop from his forehead.

He raised a cocky eyebrow, running with inhuman speed towards you and putting an arm around your (s/t) shoulder.
"And a pretty one, too. Hey gorgeous, what's your name?" He began playing with your hair, tugging on it slightly. You rolled your eyes, pushing him away from you with your strength.

"I can and will light you on fire, Lightning Boy." You narrowed your eyes threateningly, but it wasn't enough to mask the blush on your face.

"We need you to come with us." The boy that attacked you said bluntly, crossing his arms without looking at you.

"Why should I? You came into my home, uninvited, and proceeded to attack me."

They looked at each other unsurely. "Well, our boss is gonna kill us if you don't come with." The boy with the cape said, shrugging his shoulders.

"But, you've been here for so long, alone, don't you want to be part of something again? A team? A family? I'm sure Batman wouldn't mind."
The girl with the bow said, smiling kindly at you, which you returned faintly.

You looked at them all, assessing their faces carefully. You eventually smiled lightly, nodding your head.

"Okay, I'll come with you. It would be nice to be with people again. But no promises on the staying part."

They all laughed, nodding excessively before leading you toward their spaceship thingy.

"I'm (y/n)." You informed them, nodding as they took in the information.
"Well, we're the Young Justice League."
Cape Boy said as we kept walking.

"One more thing- What the hell is a Batman?"

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