✅Jaime Reyes

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You crashed through all of Sportsmaster's men in your symbiote form, throwing people into each other and making sure not to let Chaos eat them.

You were unwillingly part of an experiment, which merged your body with an inky black alien symbiote, which could transform you into what you are now: Chaos.
You were the only person to survive the experiment, which meant you were stuck with her for the rest of your life. You actually didn't mind- you and Chaos had actually become quite good friends.

You threw a hand out, your black hand extending to grab another person with your sticky form. You threw them at another two men, all of them falling unconscious at your feet.
"Are you sure we cannot eat them?" Chaos' voice spoke menacingly in my head as she eyed the tasty men.

"Yes, we are not allowed to eat people anymore." You spoke aloud, shaking your head.

It was hard to explain how you shared a form when you became Chaos.
It was like you were in control, but Chaos took over if she felt you were in too much danger for you to handle, but she helped occasionally, watching your back for you.

You jumped high into the air, grabbing onto Sportsmaster's helicopter with your extended hand, and jumped back down, using Chaos' immense strength to bring it back to the ground.

You growled, Chaos' voice emanating out from your sticky black form as you grabbed Sportsmaster by his collar, holding him up as Chaos licked him with your long, slimy pink tongue as Artemis' father grimaced.
"Chaos, we told you no eating people," Nightwing chastised through the mind link, and you could imagine him rolling his eyes at your symbiote.
"Sorry," Chaos didn't sound very sorry, but it seemed to please Nightwing, as he didn't say anything else.

Sportsmaster gazed at you, terrified as you gave him a grin, showing your extremely sharp teeth that could easily rip through someone.
"W-what are you?" He quivered as Chaos' face receded back to show half of your human face, revealing your (e/c) eyes and some of your (h/c) hair.

"We are Chaos." You both spoke, your voice and Chaos' coming out in perfect sync as you punched him once more, knocking him out. You threw him at Nightwing's feet.

Chaos slowly receded, starting to reveal your much shorter (height) frame, as you smiled happily at Nightwing as Blue Beetle and Bart ran up to you.

"Woah! I knew what you could do, but seeing it in person is so much better than the history books!" Impulse shouted, speeding over to you and poking Chaos' skin, the slimy surface sticking immediately to poor Bart's hand.

He panicked, shaking his hand wildly and speeding around in an attempt to throw Chaos off him. You and Jaime both laughed as your forms receded, yours retracting back into your skin and his back into the scarab at the small of his back.

The silence turned awkward between you both quickly, as you rocked on your feet and Jaime scratched the back of his neck nervously. You and Jaime never really bonded as much as you would've liked- because, every time you both were alone together, you turned horribly awkward around the boy.
Truth be told, you had an immense crush on him for the last while, you've just never plucked up the courage to tell him.

"So, what's your scarab like?" You turned curiously towards the Hispanic, as he raised an eyebrow at your abrupt question.

"Well, uh, it basically just helps me in battle, but I'm in control mostly. Um, it tells me to kill people a lot," You both chuckled at that, grinning softly as you stared at your crush.

"So your scarab is basically my simbiote." You finished excitedly.
You had never met anyone like you, suffering with the same type of burden, an unknown life form that isn't human, and has no feelings and can't express human emotions.

"I've never met anyone like me before. It's nice to know that someone has the same psychotic voice inside their head."
You tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear shyly as you but your lip, glancing up at Jaime before dropping your gaze back to the floor.

"It tells me other things too, you know." Jaime seemed to have a sudden confidence boost, because he took a step in front of you, and stood close, gazing down at you with caring eyes.

You met his gaze. You could feel the electrifying tension course through your body, and you blushed, looking away again.

"It tells me how your heartbeat goes twice as fast when you look at me," Your stomach dropped as Jaime spoke those words.

He was about to humiliate you, tell you how you were stupid and he didn't know how you could possibly believe he would like you back.

He suddenly grabbed your chin tenderly, forcing your gaze into his eyes, and his loving stare was enough to make your heart melt on the spot.

"And it tells me how mine speeds up too."

That's when Jaime closed the gap. He wrapped his strong arms around your waist, and you connected yours around his neck as your lips moved in sync with each others.

"Oh my god! Finally!" Bart sped over as you two broke apart, laughing at Bart's relieved expression.

"I've been waiting for you two to get together since I got here! Your kids are my favourite people ever in the future."


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