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After a couple hours of waiting Estarossa had finally come back for me. He dragged me to a large throne room and throwing me down onto the ground left to sit on his throne. My heart pounded as I looked up from the ground. Before me sat three large thrones. One throne sat a little ahead from the other while the other two were on either side of it. Meliodas sat on the middle throne staring down at me with a non chalet expression on his face. Zeldris and Estarossa sat on either side of him.

"For your betrayal against the prince you'll be sent to your death. But before such occurs release him from his spell witch." Estarossa shouted slamming his hand against his throne.

"Release him mage."

Glaring at him I slowly got up off the ground. My chains lugged behind me as I walked towards the throne. Estarossa had a growing smile on his face as I stopped in front of Meliodas. His cold eyes stared back at me as I leaned towards his face.

"You're a idiot..." I whispered.

"All I wanted was to protect you. Don't be angry when you realize he lied maybe it doesn't make sense now but one day you'll realize."

Reaching my hands out I softly gripped his face. He looked a bit shock and pulling his head closer to my face I placed a small kiss on his forehead. A slight tint of pink arose on his checks and I took a step back.

"Come on Estarossa kill me. Isn't that what you wanted the whole time?" I asked glaring at him.

Estarossa looked at me angrily before standing up from his throne. He began to march towards me I let out a shaky breath as he stopped before me. His eyes were cold and began to turn a dark purple.

"Brother it seems she has no intentions. I have a theory that if we kill her now the spell will disappear with her."

"Im not a mage!" I shouted out tears forming in the corner of my eyes.

"Thats enough of your deception... lets end this."

Zeldris gave me a nervous look as his hands gripped tightly onto the throne.

My eyes met Meliodas one last time and his expression remained the same. Turning to look back at Estarossa a shiver went down my spine and I closed my eyes.

Estarossa let out a loud laugh and my body froze up.

"Sorry..." I mumbled out a small smile sitting on my face as I waited.

"Goodbye ms mage."

A sound of metal clinking rang through my ears and I nervously balled up my fists. I felt something grab onto me and I shot my eyes open. My heart began to race fast as I noticed I was now in the air. My eyes drifted to whoever was holding me and almost popped out of my chest.

"M-Meliodas..." I said in pure shock.

Landing back on the ground he held me protectively in his arms.

Zeldris had also left his throne stopping Estarossas blade with his hands.

"Oh my.." Estarossa mumbled in shock.

"Look at you two working together. How lovely. Zeldris to think you were on her side the whole time."

Zedris growled at him before jumping back. My attention turned to Meliodas and he stared down at me.

"Why...?" I asked confused.

"Do you really believe I'd ever trust my brother?" He asked whispering.

I looked at him in shock and he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I hate humans but I'm no idiot..."

I let out a sigh of relief and Meliodas placed me on the ground.

"Zeldris watch her..." Meliodas growled out angrily.

Zeldris nodded his head and jumping away from Estarossa he headed towards me. Grabbing onto my arm he pulled me up off the ground before heading towards the door.

"W-Wait but we can't leave him..." I pleaded looking back at Meliodas.

His body began to turn purple and Estarossa slowly backed away.

"Did you take me for an idiot brother?" Meliodas asked anger radiating off of him.

"We have to leave him."

"I can't we have to go back Estarossa will kill him!" I said nervously.

"No. Trust me on this one Meliodas is not going to be the same person you think he is. We have to go now before it gets bad."

"What do you mean??" I asked still confused.

"He's going assault mode."

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