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As I walked back home I still couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. That blonde-haired commandment must've tried to give me the extra tip but there's no way I'd owe anyone. Even if he gave it to me as a tip I still couldn't expect all that money. It was obvious he wanted more.

I ignored my thoughts and stayed confused on the path to my house. The necklace on my neck bounced against my chest as my pace quickened I was nearing my home. A small smile spread across my lips as I noticed the familiar house. Stopping in front of the house I grip my hand on the doorknob and slowly open it up.

Finally, I was home.

Closing the door behind me I walk into the kitchen and place my coins down. I touch my necklace out from under my dress and looked at the sink. I could see my own reflection in the tap the necklace really did work.

Taking in a deep breath I turned around and decided to head upstairs to my room. I wasn't tired yet but a nap didn't seem like a bad idea. I stretched my arms out as I made it to the top of the stairs. Although we were prisoners to the demons some of us were let off a little more than others. I opened up the door to my room and let out a small yawn as I began to walk towards the bed I froze.

A loud scream left my lips and I backed up in fear. Falling to the ground I sat there frozen in shock. My heart was pounding fastly in my chest as someone sat up in my bed.

They stretched their arms out letting out a small yawn as they stared down at me.


I put a hand over my mouth as I stared in absolute shock. One of the ten commandments sat in my house in my room in my bed...

I screamed again and he didn't seemed phased in the slightest.

"So why didn't you accept my money?"

"I-I... why are you at my house!" I blurted out staring at him as he got up out of my bed.

"I was having a nap jeez." He replied sighing.

He began to walk towards me and I got up off the ground.

"Um, I- Please leave me alone..." I whimpered out afraid of what he could do.

I backed up more and as he got closer I turned around and tried to dash out of the room. He was too fast though he made it to the door before me blocking me inside.

"Um... I- uh"

I yelped out as he grabbed onto my wrist. I looked down at him in fear I could feel myself beginning to shake. He obviously did care as he began to drag me towards the bed. He pushed me down onto it and I let out a small whimper.

"So now answer my question."

His dark purple eyes glared into mine as he stared down at me.

"Um, I couldn't it's way too much wait a second how do you even how did you even figure out who I was," I asked frightened.

"Panty colours matched soo I just guess-"

I chucked out of the pillow on my bed at him and crossed my legs so he could no longer get a view. The pillow hit him directly in the face and I watched as his face stayed emotionless. I yelped out about to apologize as he swiftly moved towards me. He had me pinned down to the bed in a matter of seconds as I gasped.

"Careful with what you throw little human..." He mumbled out.

"I'm sorry." I squeaked out.

"Um excuse me Mr demon what do you want with me..." I asked shyly while my hair completely covered my face.

"Well, you were looking pretty good out there dancing so I thought why-"

"Um, can you please get off of me," I said interrupting him.

He blinked a few times while looking at me and shook his head.

"Sorry, but I can't have you running off on me now can I." 

"I won't run I promise..." I mumbled lowly.

"Alright but if you run..." He brought his head closer to my ear and continued,

"I'll make it so you can't walk for a very long time..."

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