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When I arrived home I had placed the basket on the table. Opening it up I took the necklace out. Maybe if I wore this I could make a little extra.

Picking it up I unclipped it and wrapped it around my neck. Walking over to a small mirror I smiled as I looked down at it. It really did fit me.

As I stared into the mirror a small shiver went down my spine as a chill entered the room. I let out a small yawn and realized I was also exhausted now.

Time for another long sleep.

The next day arrived early. I was already inside the castle getting ready for a show. As dancers, we had to "dance" for certain people. On the prettiest of people in the kingdom were picked and luckily for us our faces were always covered. It gave the dancers a more mysterious vibe to them making it more exciting for those watching. But most importantly it made it easier for me. If they couldn't see my face I didn't have to worry about them finding or me being embarrassed if they ever saw me. To them, without the fabric covering my face I'm just a regular human.

Today was an important dance though. Even though I normally wasn't nervous I was for this one. Today we were putting on a show for the 10 commandments. I wasn't sure what they'd expect out of us but I wasn't ready.

Sure they still wouldn't be able to see us but if they really tried it was possible. Staring into the mirror I sucked in a deep breath. Shaking my head nervously I turned away from the mirror.

It was time to get this show on the road.

I walked towards the stage making sure my outfit was on right. Walking onto the stage the lights flashed on.

When the lights turned on people could be seen seated around the stage. The room looked like this, one giant stage in the middle while red couches filled around. Waitresses walked around handing drinks while the 10 of them sat seated. Anyone who worked in this part would either be a dancer or a waitress. Most of the time I would be doing the job of a waitress but today I was given dancer. Even as waitress our faces would be covered I was glad to be a dancer today though. Being around the people who took over this kingdom was nerve-racking.

We began the show. My body swayed back and forth as the lights flashed around us. The commandments already seemed to be getting comfortable. They watched us intensely as we gracefully moved around the stage. The bells on my outfit rung as my arms and body moved. My hands went down my hips as I stopped in one place moving my hips slightly. My hands travelled my body and I began to spin around a bit. A slight shiver went down my spine. It was quite obvious someone was watching me. I twirled again letting the noise of the bells fill the room. This time I was able to see who was watching me. I couldn't see them fully because the fabric covering my face but the one thing that stuck out the most was that bright yellow hair.

Our eyes met for a split second and even behind the fabric, I could see the huge grin on his face.

When the dance had come to an end I hurried off the stage and quickly began to take off my clothes. I felt extremely nervous now knowing I had been watched by them the whole dance. I put on my old dress and looked down at my emerald necklace. I decided to hide it under my dress just in case anyone had seen it. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around.

"Here" My boss held out some money and I stared at it in shock.

"Um, are you sure this is mine?" I asked confused.

There was a lot more money here a lot more than usual.

"One of the customers gave you a tip." She tried to place the money in her hands but I backed away.

"I'm sorry I can't take all that it's way too much. Please return it to them." I said only taking my regular amount.

She looked at me confused and shrugged her shoulders.

"Your loss."

I put the couple of coins I made into my pocket and made my way to the backdoors. Opening them up I headed outside. The cold day breeze ran along my skin as the door closed behind me. Another small shiver ran up my spine as I looked around.

Something didn't feel right

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