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A small smile sat on my face as I walked around the town. Gowther trailed grumpily behind me. After a few days I had some how gotten closer with him maybe it was through my continuous pestering but he had finally warmed up to me a bit. Merlin had sent us down into town to do some herb shopping for us as she had a few new patients who she couldn't leave alone. With a small basket gripped in my hands we went from stand to stand picking off the list one at a time. As we headed further I noticed Gowther beginning to act a little strange. His eyes flickered around more and he began to move closer towards me.

"Gowther are you alright?" I asked warily.

He nodded his head in response and his shoulders relaxed slightly.

"I know you're not a big fan of people but we'll be done soon so just hold on a little longer."

"Alright.." He mumbled out.

After that he finally relaxed still taking a few glances here and there but settling down. As we reached the last stand I stopped to chit chat with the lady as she packed up some herbs. The stand was just like any other stand in the town small with a few things hanging off of it. My heart pounded slightly as I stared at a light yellow necklace. My hold tightened on the basket at the memory of the blonde. The necklace was the same color as his hair. I reached out brushing my hand against the necklace rays of sunlight bounced off it. Letting out a small sigh I brought my hand back. The lady handed me the herbs and packing them into my basket I gave one last look at the necklace. I watched as the reflection showed Gowther shuffling behind me while other people roamed the town. As my eyes wandered through the crowd something strange began to happen. The town began to thin out and people began to run, Screams erupted as I watched through the necklace. Gowther immedtialty perked up and ran towards me. He took a tight hold onto my arm before running. The last thing I noticed before stumbling behind him was the familiar blonde walking straight through the town.

I panted as I tried to keep myself from falling on my feet. We had made it back to Merlins place Gowther slamming the door open as we sprinted inside. Merlin jumped up from her spot as she noticed us come in. The panic in our eyes were evident as she rushed over.

"What happened?"

"Capital... Commandments..." Were the only words Gowther was able to pant out.

"Watch her don't let her leave with anyone." Gowther spoke before turning around and running back towards the town.

I looked at him confused and Merlin stepped in closing the door behind me before grabbing onto my wrist.

"I need you to be honest with me Elizabeth... did you have any problems with the 10 commandments before you had left?"

Looking up into her eyes I nervously nodded my head. Her eyes widened slightly before shaking her head.

"Which one did you have problems with?"

"Um I don't think it matters which one... I think I made them all mad..." I said nervously as my heart began to speed up.

"I need to know which one."

"Meliodas!" I blurted out nervously.

Her face paled at his name and she let go of my wrist in shock.

"Please tell me it was just him...?"

"No... it was Estarossa as well... truth is its all Estarossas fault..." I mumbled out quietly.

Merlin blinked a few times before speaking,

"Lets go. I know another town you can stay in but we will have to quick if we wish to escape Meliodas most likely already has caught your scent here."

Before I had the chance to speak Merlin pulled me along with her. Opening up the back door she dragged me out as we headed towards the forest.

"Maybe I could talk with him..."

"No. Absolutely not. I don't know what happened between you two but not a chance he will hear you out. That man will kill you the first chance he gets."

My heart ached at her statement as we got closer to the forest. My heart pounded as a small frown sat on my face.

But I knew she was right but I still wouldn't believe it.

As we ran towards the beginning of the forest time slowly began to stop. The only thing that left moving was my beating heart.


My name echoed through the town as I felt myself stop in my place. I felt my breathing getting heavy and I slowly swung my head back.

There he stood. Right on top of Merlins house as he stared down at me. Purple markings covering his body as the other commandments stood around the house.


Meliodas x Elizabeth •Lovers•Where stories live. Discover now