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My time with Zeldris had finally been up after talking for another hour there still wasn't too much we could do. With Meliodas convinced I used magic on him there didn't seem to be much hope for this meeting.

Estarossa once again dragged me down the hallway by my chains. He kept talking and gloating eventually 20 seconds in I tuned him out. He seemed very pleased about what he had done and his pace began to speed up as we got closer to Meliodas room.

I honestly had no idea what I'd do or even say or how he'd react. Whether he'd kill me or let me live I wasn't sure. Maybe there was a small chance he'd let me explain but even if I could what would happen if Estarossa found out. I had no idea how powerful Estarossa could be and I didn't want to lose Meliodas.

I was slipped out of my trance by the sound of knocking. Looking upwards Estarossa stopped in front of his door and I took in a nervous gulp when Meliodas replied,

"Come in."

A big grin light up on Estarossa face as he opened up the door. Meliodas had seated himself on the edge of his bed staring at the wall. He didn't even turn to look at us as Estarossa shoved me inside. I fell to the ground with a huff and Estarossa left slamming the door behind him.

"Stand up."

His voice was cold and his eyes stared sharply at the wall. He sent shivers down my spine as I slowly got up off the ground. I nervously stared at him my breath caught in my throat. I was unable to say a word.

"Come here."

I nervously took a step forward as I continued to stare at him. My hesitation wasn't missed as he spoke again,

"Elizabeth now."

I tensed up at his words and started to my move again. I stopped beside him he finally moved his head his eyes meeting mine. I bit down on my lip nervously as a blank expression sat on his face.

"Did you really think you could escape?"

My eyes darted to the ground and I felt my heart tightened up at his words.

"Answer me Elizabeth."

"No.." I let out a quick reply.

A small smile spread across his lips and he grabbed onto my wrist. He pulling me to the side I fell into his lap. I tensed up as he turned me so my back was to him.

"Now tell me..." he brought his mouth near my neck as his hot breath sent shivers down my spine.

"Why exactly would you decide it was a good idea to use a brain washing potion on me little mage."

Zeldris was right Estarossa really got inside of his head.

"I'm not a mage..." I mumbled out fidgeting with my fingers.

"Oh really hun then tell me why did you make me fall for you and leave? After using your spell you easily slipped through my fingers... I knew something was wrong when I let my guard down."

One of his hands began to play around with my hair. I could feel him twirling a piece behind me.


"I figured as much. Do you know what happens to traitors?"

I nodded my head nervously and a low chuckle left his lips.

"The only thing waiting for a traitor is death. Of course before you're executed you'll take this wicked spell off of me."

I sucked in a small breath and he brought his hand down to rest on my thigh.

"I didn't put a spell on you.." I said a bit louder this time.

Meliodas grip on my thigh tightened and I let out a small squeal.

"Estarossa is a liar." I grumbled.

Meliodas grip tightened to the point where he drew blood from my leg.

"Do not insult my brother." He growled in a dangerous voice.

"I'm sorry.." I squeaked out.

Meliodas grip on me softened and he let go of my thigh.


The door to the room opened up and Estarossa stood smiling at the frame.

"Its really such a disappointment because I really don't want to hurt you but I guess the spells just very powerful." He whispered into my ear.

Estarossa entered the room and grabbing onto my chains he yanked me off of Meliodas lap.

"Have her ready for later I'd like to do this as quick as possible."

Meliodas x Elizabeth •Lovers•Where stories live. Discover now