Chapter 7, Relief

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Tuesday. I felt like getting a routine already, writing became easier and I worked quicker. The morning was productive, and time went by fast. I didn't even notice the noise in the corridor made by the actors and cameramen going to the dining room, until I heard a knock on my door. Sandra! She opened the door.

"Jos? You coming?"

Smiling, I walked to her, but my smile faded when I saw the group around her: Thelma, Robert and John. I greeted them, trying to hide my disappointment. Five people, and there was hardly enough space for four. We didn't say much when we bought our lunch. Sandra and Thelma sat down at their usual place; John, Robert and I kept standing, a little awkwardly, knowing one of us would fall off. Sandra would want those men around her, I thought pessimistically, thinking of her reaction to John, and her flirting with Robert the evening before.

"We can't sit here with five. I'll go to sit somewhere else", I said, feeling defeated.

"Don't be silly, Jos." Sandra sounded almost irritated. "Your place is at my side."

Wow. My place was at Sandra's side, really? With a warm feeling of love, I sat down next to her.

The two men looked at each other.

"I'm gonna sit with the other actors", John said.

So, it was Robert again who would join us. I felt nervous about what would happen, but to my great relief, Sandra seemed to want to talk with me today.

"Thelma and I are scheduled to play one of your scenes later this afternoon; shall I come to pick you up to watch?"

"I'd love that, Sandra."

"We still don't know much about you. Tell us something?"

"What do you want to know?"

"Ehm, well, tell me about your childhood in The Netherlands?"

I told them I grew up in a small town in the west, about going to school, drowning in a class with 40 children, about writing essay's, observing the other children and humorously writing down what they were doing, giving presentations.

"You must have been a bright student", Sandra remarked.

"Oh, not in all subjects. I wasn't that bright."

Sandra had finished her lunch and had put her arm behind me again. How I loved her doing that! She played a with my long curls, winding a strand of my hair around her finger.

The buzzer blew the beautiful moment. Why did they give us so little time? I hadn't even finished my plate because of my talking.

"We've got to go. I'll pick you up later, Jos", Sandra said.

I gave her a sweet smile. "Success. See you later. Bye, Robert."

Him, I didn't have to watch this afternoon. Bye bye baby.

I went to my office and I worked for a couple of hours, really happy it went so well, until I heard fingers tapping on my door.

"Jos? You coming?"

I opened the door. "Ready to watch you!" I smiled.

I followed Sandra's sexy buttocks to the studio. They were preparing the scene. Sandra and I walked to Thelma, and Thelma and I smiled at each other. Soon after I came in, the actresses were called to begin. It was special to hear them speak out my lines, especially Sandra of course. I watched her, feeling so in love with her. This was what I had wanted for so long: my words, coming from those beautiful lips and spoken out with her sexy voice. It was a cute, warm scene between the two ladies, and my dialogue fitted in well. I felt proud, both of myself and of mijn liefste. They both remembered the words pretty well, and there weren't many takes needed.

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