Chapter 6, Jealousy

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Monday. How I was looking forward to seeing Sandra again! I went to the studios early and decided to visit the ladies' room first to put on my lipstick. I had just finished when Sandra walked in, making my heart beat faster. She looked lovely and breathtakingly sexy; I saw her in her doctor's uniform most of the time, but now, she wore a sweater that seemed to hug her breasts, and also tight pants. Sandra smiled at the sight of me. Of course, my own smile had appeared on my lips as soon as she walked in.

"Jos! How was your weekend? Found an apartment?"

"Good morning Sandra! Yeah, I've found a flat, and I've moved in already. But it's noisy; I'll need to keep searching for something better."

"I'd like to help you. What are you looking for?"

"Furnished, not too expensive, and not noisy!"

"Hm... I'll look around."

"That's sweet, thanks." And there it happened again, I felt shy. "So, how was your weekend?" I asked, to hide my shyness.

Sandra stretched herself. "Like I had planned: lazy and relaxed. Only a visit from a friend on Saturday evening."

My heart ached immediately. A male friend? Had he stayed the night? I couldn't ask her.

"You had a nice weekend? Didn't you feel lonely? You broke up with your boyfriend just the weekend before."

She looked at me thoughtfully. "No, I didn't feel lonely. You know, it feels like much longer ago that I kicked him out."

"I remember us sitting here on the bench exactly one week ago."

"Hm, yeah I remember that vividly. You were so sweet to me." Sandra looked in my eyes, making my desire grow to kiss her. Then she smiled. "Maybe that was the medicine I needed, just like you putting a bandage on my ankle the week before", she joked.

"I love to heal you!" I laughed, making it sound like I was joking too, but I meant it with all my heart.

"I'll come to you whenever I need healing, okay? And I know you'll fix me." Sandra laughed.

I just couldn't keep laughing. I felt too serious about this. "Make sure you do, Sandra. I'll be there for you", I said tenderly.

Sandra stopped laughing too, and I wished I could have kept the chat light-hearted and pretended I didn't mean it. She looked in my eyes again. "You're too good, Jos", she said softly.

I walked away, hoping she wouldn't see my blush. "See you at the meeting."

I walked into the room where the meeting took place and sat down next to the other writers. It was the same seat as I had the week before. The others also dropped in, and I found out everyone had their own place, and to my happiness, that meant Sandra sat opposite of me again. Would we sit like this every week?

A man approached Sandra.

"John!" Sandra jumped up, embraced him and bended his head to her to kiss him on his cheek. He kissed her back. Of course, it happened again: my heart ached with jealousy. Would he feel aroused, having this sexy beauty in his arms, her delicious lips on his cheek, her breasts pressed against his body? I would! I looked at his pants as he let go of her, could I see he had a stiff one? I didn't see anything, but I'm really ignorant when it comes to men. So, maybe I could be mistaken.

"It's so nice to see you again! What role are you playing?" Sandra asked, smiling broadly.

"Your patient."

"How nice! So we'll play together again!" Sandra was very happy. I felt sad and sick in my stomach.

The meeting began, with Betty handing out copies of the script to everyone, and the freelance writer telling what the episode was about. I caught Sandra smiling at Robert, making me feel even worse. They began reading.

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