Chapter 3, Lunch

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Tuesday. Bennie gave me more information about my tasks, and in the afternoon, I would have a meeting with the other permanent writer, and the writer of the next episode. I felt very enthusiastic and couldn't wait to begin writing the dialogues between Sandra's and Thelma's characters. The only bad thing was that Sandra's character, Cindy, had an affair with a man. Would I have to write the sweet words they exchanged too? The thought of Sandra kissing that actor, playing bed scenes with him, made me feel sick, although they luckily didn't go far and gave more an impression than a view of the intimicy.

It was time for lunch; I had heard the actors and cameramen walk by my office, going to the dining room. I wanted to go there now too, to catch a glimpse from Sandra. I went to the dining room, and saw her sitting at a table with Thelma, with her back turned to me. I bought something to eat and went to a free table, because I didn't know anyone yet, except Bennie, who was lunching with his wife - she was the other permanent writer; and Sandra of course , but I didn't dare to go and sit with her and Thelma. To prevent myself from staring at her, I sat down with my back turned to her. At least I was in the same room as she was!

"Why are you sitting alone?"

I looked up and Sandra was standing beside my table. My cheeks became hot from the unexpected confrontation; had Thelma said something about me? Sandra couldn't have seen me, not without turning anyway.

"I eh... I don't know anyone here yet", I answered.

"Hey, you know me, don't ya? Come and sit with me and Thelma."

I picked up my tray and followed her, feeling happy, nervous and shy at the same time. She really wanted to spend time with me! Thelma greeted me and I did the same, while Sandra sat down on the small bench opposite of Thelma and patted on it to invite me to sit next to her. Oh yes! Maybe our arms would touch.

"What was your name again?" Thelma asked me.

"Jos, Jos van Sonderen."

"That's difficult to pronounce."

"My first name is not difficult. It's not Josh, think of yes with an o."

"Jos", they both said.

"Yes, that's it." I smiled. I took my sandwich from my plate and... my arm touched Sandra's. Playing a GP with a small first-aid post, she always wore a doctor's uniform when she played the scenes in their practice. She was wearing her doctor's uniform with long sleeves now, and I wore a sweater, so our skins didn't touch, but it still sent a small shiver from pleasure down my spine, that made my nipples harden.

"Sorry", I said, and I couldn't hide all of my shyness.

"Oh, never mind, these things happen all the time on these small benches", she shrugged.

I tried to loosen my sweater a bit, hoping they wouldn't notice, so that they couldn't see my hardened nipples.

"How long have you lived in America?" Sandra asked.

"Ehm... I came here only last week, for my interview."

They both looked surprised.

"You applied from The Netherlands, and came over when you were invited for an interview?" Sandra asked.

"Eh... yeah."

"Was it hard to leave The Netherlands?"

"Yes, I must leave my family and friends."

"You're not married?" Thelma asked.

"Eh, no."

"Did your relationship just end?" Sandra asked, projecting her own situation.

"No, that was long ago."

"You're pretty, very nice and successful, I bet you had many admirers."

Sandra thought I was pretty and very nice! I was so happy about that, but on the other hand, I didn't like the direction the conversation was going. I smiled and said, "Thank you", feeling a very unwelcome blush on my cheeks again.

"I don't need to ask you two much questions, I've read interviews in magazines", I tried a diversion. It worked, but not in the way I had hoped.

"Hm, yeah, and you know about my broken relationship", Sandra looked sad again.

"Yeah..." I said, feeling uncomfortable.

"I was surprised to find you two together", Thelma admitted, "You didn't know each other."

"Oh, but we did – I mean, we had met before, the day I was here for my application interview."

"We bumped into each other and I twisted my ankle. Jos was very kind and looked after me."

"Oh, was that how you twisted your ankle?"


The sound of a buzzer filled the room and startled me.

"That's the sign our lunchbreak is over", Thelma explained, "You'll get used to it."


"Will you eat your dinner here?" Sandra asked me, standing up.

"I don't know yet."

"If you do, come and sit with us again. Otherwise we'll see you tomorrow?"

Oh, I was so happy how things seemed to work out between Sandra and me! I smiled. "Yes!"

Sandra and Thelma walked away, and I watched Sandra until she turned around the corner. I finished my meal in the now almost empty dining room. Wow, wow! I had eaten with Sandra and I would do it again, later this day, or tomorrow. Happiness washed over me. O mijn liefste! Maybe we could become friends. That would be so wonderful!

In the afternoon, I went to the meeting with Betty, the other permanent writer and Bennie's wife – funny, Bennie and Betty – and the freelance writer who would write the storyline. He had the story in draft and gave Betty and me a sheet with the scenes he had thought of. Oh. The relationship between Sandra's character, Cindy, and her boyfriend, would play an important role in this episode. We discussed the episode and what the dialogues would be about.

"Is it alright if I only write the dialogues between Cindy and Marianne, and their patients, this first time?" I asked.

Luckily, they both agreed, so I didn't have to write those awful sweet words between Cindy and Darren. We agreed to have another meeting Friday afternoon. I would have to work hard!

"Is it allowed to watch the shooting, to get a better idea how everything works?" I asked.

Betty thought it was a good idea. Great, I could watch Sandra! We parted.

I went to my office and began thinking about the dialogue of the first scene with Cindy and Marianne. Usually, I think everything out, write it in draft, and then make changes until I'm satisfied. But I couldn't concentrate. My mind kept shifting to Sandra, and I felt fatigued; those first days at a job, you get many new impressions, and that is tiring. So, I decided to go to my hotel, despite the fact I longed to see Sandra again and to talk with her. That would have to wait until tomorrow; what I needed was rest and a good night sleep.

Of course, I ended up fantasizing about Sandra. "Pretty and very nice"... Oh! I wanted to take her in my arms again and kiss her... Mmmm... her breasts against mine... maybe she would wear a skirt and it would crawl up again... maybe I would caress her upper leg... maybe she would like that... maybe it would turn out she was wearing sexy lingerie, and I would caress her naked buttocks... And then... Mmmm... oh yeah...

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