Chapter 5, Missing

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Thursday. It was only my fourth working-day at the series, but it felt much longer. Only not if I looked at my work! I still needed to do a lot of writing. Next week, I needed to work quicker - on the other hand, I would have a little more time, the writers' meetings normally took place on Monday afternoon. But I would get a routine soon enough; at this moment, everything was still new.

I worked concentrated until I heard the actors and other people walk by my office. Tensed, I waited for Sandra's knock on the door, uncertain if she would pick me up again. There was no knock. Disappointed, I went to the dining room by myself. Maybe she was with Robert again. 

When I walked into the room, I saw Thelma and Sandra sitting alone, this time not in doctor's uniform. Sandra looked lovely, wearing a white blouse with 2 buttons open, and a thin necklace. It made her look even more sexy than usual. I felt relieved Robert wasn't with them, but also shy and nervous again to go and sit with them. I bought my lunch and approached them. "Hi. Can I sit next to you?" I asked Sandra.

"Hi Jos! Of course, sit down", Sandra smiled.

I took my place beside her.

"How's your work going?" Sandra asked me.

"I've worked hard again this morning. But I think I still need to find my routine here. I'll have a lot to do today and tomorrow morning."

"I'm sure you'll find your routine soon enough, it's your first week here", Thelma said.

"Yeah, somehow it feels longer. So, how was your morning?" I returned the question.

"Good! The rest of the day and tomorrow, we'll be shooting outside. And I have a long weekend; if everything goes as planned, I'm not needed tomorrow afternoon and evening", Sandra told me.

Oh. So I wouldn't see Sandra until next week, because they wouldn't eat here. That looked like an eternity. But I smiled "Ah, that's nice! Do you have plans for the weekend?"

"Yeah, sleep, rest and take it slow", Sandra laughed.

"And you?" I wanted to be careful Thelma wouldn't feel shut out, like I had felt the evening before.

"I have my husband and kids to spend the weekend with. I see them far too little", Thelma answered.

"You?" Sandra asked me.

"I need to search for a flat or apartment, staying in a hotel is expensive", I answered.

Sandra ate with one hand, and to my delight, she laid her other arm on the backrest of the bench behind me, making it even more cozy. I smiled at her when she looked at me and she smiled back, warming my heart.

But then, Robert came again. Verdorie. He greeted us – or maybe only Sandra, I thought in my jealousy, but he didn't kiss her on her cheek. Not yet?

"Shall I go sit next to Thelma?" I asked Sandra, feeling defeated.

"Why? Robert can sit there. You don't need to change places", Sandra said, surprised. Relieved, I looked at Robert taking the place opposite of me, without any kiss, and Sandra didn't take her arm away.

The rest of the meal, we chatted with the four of us. Robert would only play a small role in the next scene and there would only be a little kiss on the cheek. I didn't feel jealous now, I was the one sitting with Sandra's arm around me – or at least almost.

There was one incident I felt very awkward about. I accidentally bumped my elbow against Sandra's breast. Now her arm was behind me, that was the part of her body I would hit when I made a silly move. I felt my cheeks get hot, of embarrassment about both the touch of her breast, and the fact that it aroused me, making my nipples harden. My sweater was a little tight, would Thelma notice? I didn't care if Robert would see it or not.

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