Chapter 1, Collision

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I looked in the mirror for the last time. My lipstick looked perfect, I had my long hair permed and dyed light brown only yesterday and it looked fine, my black jacket and black pants got steamed the day before yesterday, I had my white blouse ironed that morning. My shoes looked neat. Okay. I looked alright for my interview. The interview I came for to the States, all the way from The Netherlands. I took my suitcase with my papers, walked out of my hotel room and locked the door.

Had I ever been this nervous before, in the 40 years my life counted? At my exams? At former interviews? No. At my coming out for my parents? Hm, that came close. But on this interview, everything depended. I had written before, for a Dutch television series, and once, for a Dutch movie, that had flopped due to a lack of budget and bad acting. America, yes, that's where you had to be as a scriptwriter, if you really wanted the dialogue you had written to be heard by millions. But that was not the reason I was nervous like hell. If I were to be rejected, I just could try another series. But I wanted to get hired for this series, no other. I had come to The States for this interview.

With a cab, I arrived at the studios, well on time. I had plenty of time to find the office of the Big Boss and rehearse for the last time the answers to the questions I expected. Shaking inside from nervousness, but trying to look cool, I walked through the corridor.

Accidents have a habit of occurring very fast, and many things happen at the same time. One moment I was walking down the corridor at a leisurely pace, the next moment someone came around the corner, walking very fast, and collided with me. A short woman, her shoulders and upper arms bumped against my breasts, her head against my neck. Oofff. She bounced back a little and she staggered, twisting her ankle on her stiletto heels. I apologized automatically and grabbed her upper arms, to prevent her from falling. Blonde hair. O jeetje*. O jeetje. It was her! It was her who had bumped into me, it was her who I was holding! I almost couldn't believe it, and my heart rate increased to tremendous heights.

"Ah!" she moaned, and I realized she needed to sit down, she shouldn't stand on that foot.

"Easy, easy", I said softly, "Sit down, huh? I'll help you."

I put my arms around her, under her armpits – o jeetje, I was holding her in my arms! – and carefully helped her to sit down on the floor.

"Let me look at your ankle, hm?"

I took off her shoe, very carefully not to move her ankle, and then I took off the nylon on that leg. O jeetje, I was taking off her nylon! There was nothing to be seen at her ankle. Would that come immediately or later?

"It isn't blue or swollen", I informed her, "Not yet, anyway. But you're the doctor here, huh?" I joked.

"That's a very old one", she answered, and something in her voice made me look at her face for the first time. Red eyes, tears on her face. She was crying!

"Are you okay?" I asked softly, dying to take her back into my arms to comfort her, but knowing that was of course, not done. "Does it hurt that much?"

She shook her head. Now I understood. She had walked fast, and had not seen me, because she had been crying. Oh, what was wrong with her? I wished I was a fairy with a magic stick to solve all her problems in a second, but I wasn't. What I could do, was help her with her twisted ankle. Oh, and give her my handkerchief! I took it out of my pocket.

"Here, take this, hm?" I gave her my clean handkerchief.

She was sitting with one leg bended, shoe on the floor, and her wounded leg flat on the ground. Her skirt had crawled up and I couldn't help it, my eyes fell on her exposed panties. O jeetje, o jeetje! No matter how decent her panties were, she was so sexy... Those beautiful legs, the peep I got to what I was not supposed to see, the knowing of what was under that piece of cloth... Oh, how many times had I dreamt about pulling those panties down and... No, no! I must not think about that! I had felt aroused already from having her in my arms; now that I saw her thighs and panties, my arousal grew rapidly.

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