ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟡 | "𝕄𝕪 𝕤𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕖."

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The time on the clock ticked as Jimin sat next to his mother in the hospital. Once again they were back at the scary place, but this time he knew she'd be okay. At least for now.

Jin sat next to Jimin as they listened to the doctor talk about his mom's condition. While walking down the stairs, her narcolepsy hit her like a truck. She fell down the stairs, fracturing her wrist. At least her head was fine.

After the doctor left, Jin stretched his arms and back. "Ugh, everything is sore."

"Here," Jimin gestured him to turn around. "I can massage your back."

"Thanks," Jin nodded, turning around. He soon felt Jimin's hands on his nape, rubbing into the tensed muscles. He let out a content sigh when Jimin moved to his shoulders.

Jimin's mom watched the two on the sidelines, a sweet smile on her lips. I hope he takes care of him.

After finding the horrifying sight of a Yoongi over a pool of blood around his head, Hoseok acted quickly. He called an ambulance, and rode with them to the hospital. He was waiting in the lounge when Irene approached him. The look on her face was nothing like he had ever seen.

She looked guilty, worried, maybe even on the verge of crying, "Hoseok, I'm so sorry."

"It's fine," he shook his head. "You couldn't have prevented this."

"Actually I could have," Irene sat next to him on the couch. "I shouldn't have been petty in the beginning, cursing your entire family. I shouldn't have kept this secret from you for so long. I should have listened to myself when I wanted to tell you about everything sooner. I didn't even call the cops on that son of a bitch!"

"What do you mean?" He furrowed his eyebrows at her.

"Jay. Yoongi's boyfriend," Irene answered. "Months ago, I found him about to rape this girl. Totally whooped his ass, but I let him go. It was so stupid, I know."

"That was stupid," Hoseok nodded. "But I can forgive your stupidity just this once."

'You've always have," replied Irene.

Minutes had passed by before the doctor returned to Hoseok.

"How is he?"

"He hit his head hard, and he's got a few bruises and cuts scattered across his body," the doctor said. "The only serious thing is the mild concussion he has. Other than that, he'll recover."

"Oh thank god," Hoseok clenched his heart.

"Can we visit him?" asked Irene.

"Of course."

Hoseok didn't waste time in heading to Yoongi's room. When he got there, he sighed out loud seeing the male passed out on the hospital bed. He approached a Yoongi slowly, pulling up a chair to sit down on. He scooted close to Yoongi, giving himself time to admire Yoongi's face. He's still so pretty after 5 months.

Irene placed a hand on Hoseok's shoulder. Hoseok took out his phone from his pocket before handing it to her.

"Can you call Jin?" he asked. "Tell him to tell the others that Yoongi is at the hospital."

"Of course," she nodded before leaving the room.

After she left, Hoseok turned back to Yoongi. He let tears of guilt, regret, sadness, and anger fall as he watched the male sleep. Oh how much he'd give to just hug, and kiss Yoongi at this moment. But he knew that affection was for another time.

For now, all he had to do is wait for Yoongi to wake up.

"We came as soon as we heard!" Jin ran up to Irene, followed by Jimin, Taehyung, Namjoon, and Jungkook.

"How is he?" Jungkook frantically asked the stranger.

Irene gave him a small smile, "He's resting right now, don't worry he's alive and well."

"What happened?" asked Namjoon.

"Yoongi got into a fight with his boyfriend, Jay." Irene explained. "Yoongi got pushed into the table, earning a mild concussion."

"I knew something was wrong about Jay," muttered Jungkook. "Where is he now?"

"He ran away," Irene said. "The cops are looking into it right now. When Yoongi wakes up, he'll be asked a ton of questions."

"Can we visit him?" Jungkook asked.

"Of course, his rooms over there," Irene led themm

As soon as the door opened, Jungkook ran over to the hospital bed. "Oh my god," his tears formed.

Hoseok quickly got up from his chair, hugging Jungkook. "It's okay. He's okay."

"Is he?"

"Yes," Hoseok nodded. "He's just sleeping right now. So let's let him rest."

"I don't wanna lose my family," Jungkook cried into his shoulder.

"You won't," Hoseok promised. "I swear on it."

Everyone stood in the room in silence, until Jimin asked, "Who brought him here?"

Hoseok raised his hand, a smile formed on Jimin's face. "Good job."

Hoseok shrugged. "I just wished I got there earlier."

"Don't need to wish for anything," Namjoon shook his head. "Be glad that Yoongi's okay right now."

Taehyung nodded at his words, "We should be glad that you two are finally in the same room."

Hoseok chuckled softly, ignoring the slight blush on his cheeks. "Yeah well, I could never leave again."

Everyone cooed at Hoseok's words, making him glare at everyone. His playful, yet annoyed glared softened when he felt Yoongi's finger twitch in his hands. And yes, he was holding hands with Yoongi.

He immediately turned to Yoongi, seeing the male was waking up. His eyes opened slowly, blinking a bit to focus his vision. And when his vision finally focused, the first thing he saw was Hoseok.

"You," Yoongi whispered.

Hoseok smiled softly, squeezing Yoongi's hand in return. He whispered so softly, that no one could hear it.

"My soulmate."

"You're here," Yoongi smiled.

"Yes I am," he chuckled, giving Yoongi's hand a squeeze.

"Yoongi!" Jungkook ran over to his brother, ugly crying into his shirt. "Oh my god! I hate you!"

Yoongi laughed at his brother, hugging him back, "I love you too."

Author note:
Should I do a q&a? Blink if I should.

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