Chapter 10 -History

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                              GIFT  AND  CURSE


After I took a nap i went outside in the balcony,its good view facing to the front not in the back.I need someone to talk,where are you,Casey.?I asked my mind.

Hi Kian,do you need someone to talk with,I'm free.Lantis said offering his company.He was standing to the balcony next to mine.

No,no,maybe I need something to read.I said instead to him.He looks nice now than before we first meet.I hope to find something to do in this very big house.

Well,of course we do have a library here.Come let's go,I'll wait you outside in your door.he said and went inside

Like I did also and see him in front my door room.I have to do this things in order to get used these people around me.i convinced myself.

Its great to see,your not scared anymore to anyone here,I know its not easy but only think that nobody here will do any harm to you.Lantis said

Yeah,I know that I just need time to overcome my fear.

Yes of course, you need time.he said and stopped in front of a big door.We're here and he open the door.

I hope we can find any human books here,i said and looking around the big organized library.

Yes,I think.

So many books,what exactly all these books Lantis? I can't help to asked him out of my curiosity.

Hmmm,werewolves books,guidelines,Laws and History and many more.Lantis said and started to find books for me.

History?You mean your history how werewolves exist??I said becomes interested

Yes,why do you like to hear it.?

Yes,but if its too long maybe next time,Lantis I don't want to bother you.

Your not bothering me Kian,I offered you my company right?and about our history I can make short for you.he smiled to me.

Now talking to him made me realized that he is more approachable than Jervis.Maybe because he is not the boss here but how that is happened,like Drake said he is older brother of him.

Kian,?are you alright?


Do you like to sit here when I started to tell our history?

Okey,thank you I took the seat while Lantis still standing a little bit far from me leaning to the wall.

Do your heared about the Moon Goddess before?

Yes,from some fantasy books I think.I said

Well,she's the one who created our World.They said that she's envy of how human worshipped your God and wish that same way somehow she can make someone to worshipped her.She choose one human being to be her worshipper and in returned can possessed some of her power as their agreements.The first werewolf named Waldo.

But in the same way,Waldo wanted to have slaves of his own and to be worshipped also.When he found out that mating to a human female can made them concieved easily so he did it as many as he can and so on.And later they called themselves shifters and his wives becomes Moonwalkers

Danny told me there are 3 kinds of werewolves?except for the Mighty or highest one?sorry I don't exactly know the words.

The Chosen One,Kian.Lantis firmly said like very attached to him

The  Choosen  One!,i  think  i  heared  that  words  before.I said asking my mind and trying to remember when I heared those words.

I see,Danny told something about it,huh.

Yes but only his kind,how he turned into one how did it happened

and how did he lost his family for I explained to him.

Since they only turned into werewolves during fullmoon,

the 3rd kind like those wives of Waldo are Moonwalkers

Shifters are the 2nd kind.Maybe you asked why then?When there  kind who was the first created.

Yes, why then Lantis?

When werewolves( shifters or moonwalkers)becomes a Menace to the human race.Moon Goddess has to do something about it since she is the one who was created Waldo and put her in compromised.

Same that time,there is one human couple known as the very wealthiest ever alived in that years expected there first child after waiting for so long years and then they discovered that the child was weak and dying inside.They used all their power through money to consult anyone who can help their unborn child but unfortunately no one can.Until one of their servant told them about,Moon Goddess.

They begged for her help and the Moon Goddess answered them by giving a 'Gift of Life and a Curse' to the unborn baby that when the time he was born,he will be her slave and put a signed to his skin but it also means that the baby possessed the highest and mightiest power of the Moon Goddess and do the balance between human and werewolves.

The couple becomed the 1st kind,Lycans

And wished again to the Moon Goddess to have more children.

Today not all shifters and Moonwalkers are menace to your kind,Kian.Although most shifters hates Lycans for being above them and trying until now to erase Lycans since the only kind not to reproduced easily and also we are immortal unlike the rest of kind ..Lantis said that made me surprised.

We??you mean you are a Lycan??

Yes Kian,like I said we also immortal..but still there are few ways or things can kill us.

I mean your kind won't getting old?as I asked interested

When we reached at the ages of 21,we stop there and slowly grow every hundred years

Wow!how old are you now,then Lantis??

Two hundred,..I'm not that old...he deffencively said

Ehwww.Your not that old???are you kidding me?

Hey,don't forget your carrying a Lycan baby!

Whe--n you turned into a werewolf,do you still have thoughts??

Yes,of course.Me and my wolf communicate each other.He is like my twin brother inside of my mind and body and werewolves can talk with each other through mind link.

Really?wow that's cool.

Jervis is coming here maybe I should leave you so can talk and I know there are more things he should tell you...he suddenly said.

Door opened I as expected and very serious Jervis emerged from that door..Oh I remember now!he is the Chosen One,how did it happened.When Lantis is older to him and like he said,the couple 1st born child becomes that One.

Here are some human books you can read,Kian.I have to go now.Lantis excused himself.

Thank you very much for your time,see you around..I said and he just nodded to me.

I see you are more comfortable with him..he said in sarcastic tone..


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