Chapter 19-Something Forgotten and Old

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A Dream.......

It's so bright that i can't see straight to the light.Where i am?i asked myself.I know i did not go somewhere after i talked to my bestfriend and Jervis.I try to look around but all i can see is white foggy things.Wait a minute,clouds?i am floating in the skies?i am dead?oh my God!

Hi there,my old friend.

A very soft voice coming from the light.Now i can see a shape of a woman slowly formed coming closer to me but i can't see her face clearly.

Who are you?Where am i?

I am your old friend and im just visiting you from your dream.Don't you recognize me?

My old friend.?

Yes i am.A very dear friend of yours

I don't understand.If you are my friend im sure i won't forget you.

You used to talked to me almost everynight when i shine so bright and when there are so many clouds covering me you still talking to me because you know i was there behind.

Everynight,clouds?im asking myself absorbing what she said.There is only one thing came into my mind.

Am i talking the Moongoddess here? But that's an impossible.

You made it possible because you believed in me.Amazed by my moonlight and made wishes to me.

That's a very long time ago.

Yes it is,my old friend.You stopped talking to me after your mother died.

Because your not true.If you listening to my wishes,why you didn't grant my wished for my mother.Who introduced me to you,to believe in you that i could make a wish.Perhaprs if i am good girl enough you listen to me which i did.

I'm sorry for that,for a very long time im avoiding to communicate humans for some reasons.

And why now?

It is because the time came for your wish to grant and this is the way i can make up to you,my dear.For all those nights you did not tired of telling me everything.For opening your heart sincerely to me.

What do you mean by that?

You wished to me before that you like your child to adore my brightness just like you did.she said.

I gasped of the words she said.All this happened because of my childhood wish?I don't even remember it.

Then if i did,this is far beyond what i wished for?I was still a child and i don't even know exactly what i said?

I have my own way to grant wishes.She said.Next Chosen One will be born soon in whatever way.I just made some changes.

You can do that?

Yes because i am their creator.

You mean my child can make it through without any claiming?i can't help myself but to ask her.

The decisions is not in my hands.

What?then why did you not choose me as his Mate?

I have my reason.Reasons made for reasons.Only the next Chosen One future is clear and your future is not decided yet.

You decided my future to be like this and that's why i am in this situation and you can't tell me,my future?You are not my creator and just because of my nonsense childhood wish.You did this to me?Don't you know you are being unfair to a human?i was so angry that i don't know where i get those words to say it.

My Lycan BabyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ