Chapter 28.The Consequences

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A/n...hi guys,thank you for all your votes and comments.Like my promise I'll do my best to make the remaining chapters as exciting as I could.
Yeah,It will probably end soon, depends on my time and my mood to do the writing.I have plan already on how to end this book but putting it here is so hard.Perhaps,three or more chapters will do.
It's my pleasure if I'll done this book and ofcourse,a little achievement for myself.
And from the deepest part of my heart I'll always treasure to know all of you who read,votes and commented my book.Hoping that someday I can write a book again.Despite of my lack expercience in writing a book.

Thank you very much!


Door slammed and a sweating shirtless Lantis emerged from it.

Kian,go with me and we we're going to leave this place now?he said ignoring his brother who covered me with his built.

You really think she will go with you?!


What is happening?!as I interupted their fight.

We are surrounded by many wolves.Ready to attack us any moment and many more are coming just to take you.Jervis said quitely worried.But I will never allow them to lay even a single finger on you.They have to kill me first before that happened.


My heartbeat rapid in an instant after I heard those words from him.

Let's go,Kian.

Stop right there,brother!warned Jervis.You will not have her.

We both know she will choose me over you brother? Lantis hissed.

Please,stop these nonsense thing,would you both?.I'm not going anywhere!
I'm not sure of that either.scolded my mind.If both of you could protect me from those wolves,well then no need to go somewhere else,right?

It is better if you are in my territory,Kian.

It is better if you go with me.inserted Lantis.
I can sneak you out from here and go somewhere more safer than here.

Damn you,Lantis!

She will!Because she loved you enough and can't bear the worst thing possible to you if you choose them over your Mate!

I already did!

What do you mean?Duet Nancy and Casey.

While me,i can't figured it out on how to react.My heart dancing while my mind screaming!He will pay for tamperring his own faith.Oh my god.!

Make him change his mind!begging my conscience.Please,Kian.Don't let anyone suffer,not him!not him!

Still have my chance,brother.mysteriously said Lantis

All I know was someone bumped in the wall and then,someone hold my nape tightly and the sudden pain on the base of my left neck and another grabbed also bite the other side of my neck.

They both bit me!

Things happened very fast.It's like the wind passed infront of me that I swing wherever the wind blows.

Please,stop!!!Casey screamed.

Jervis and Lantis we're fighting.

I was so consumed by the pain on my neck and slowly running out of my strength and I hit the floor completely.


What have you done?!! Shouted Jervis

She's mine now.

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