Chapter 23.Keep trying

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A/n...hi guys hope you enjoying reading my book.Votes and comments highly appreciated.



I was on my window looking outside wishing to see the moonlight to help me lighten up my mood just like it was a long time ago.But aside from tall buildings around us and dim lights from neighborhood I can only see the darkness.

It seems that the darkness outside like my unseen future.No clear,not yet written nor predicted.And in coming two days I have to pretend everything is normal as it used to be.

How on earth im going to do that?shouted my mind.

Is my fate being unfair to me?That even the powerful Moongoddess could not see my future or maybe she doesn't want me to know.She only cared the next Choosen One and nevermind me?

How pity my life it would be.

I have a busy,boring and tiring life schedule for 6days a week from house to school and then to my part time job in Danny's place.And for a single time I made a mistake,my world turned upside down.

I sighed.

I turned around and went to my bed.Trying to get some more sleep again tomorrow is gonna be a big day.I'm not so worried about my dad instead to his wife,Mariz.When we lived together after they get married for a year she seems noticed everything even the nonsense things.

Situations are pulling me back to reality wherever I am.
Next morning.....

Casey knocked in my room door.

Come in,its not locked.I said.Unliked before I always locked it but not lastnight I maybe need help immediately and can't open it myself although I know they can open it by force.No good to catched neighbors attention.

Good morning she greeted me.

Same to you,even if I don't know what's gonna happen later.I worriedly said.

Yeah,I know but let's be positive.Now,before anything else,let's go downstairs and have breakfast together with them.

Who else downstairs?I was curious

Uhm..,Nancy, Danny,Drake and....Him.saying the last person voiceless.

Why those two are here?I asked.I'm referring to Him and Drake.

Maybe he wants to see you in this very morning.Casey said sounds teasing me.

I glared at her.They should be not here before our guardians arrive.I commented.

I'm surely they heared you and they will disappeared before our guadians arrived here.she assured me.

I can't deny myself that I am definitely longing for his presence and attention but not in stressful way,I hope.

Breathe,breathe.Casey whispered.

I send warned to her through my eyes and greeted everyone first when we reached the end of stairs.

Good morning everyone!

Everyone response except from him and in that very moment it made my day ruined already.

Did you have a good sleep lastnight?he asked instead.

Why wouldn't I?I asked it also.If I knew there's a lot of patrollers outside to keep us safe.

That's not what I mean to.he firmly said

Well if you mean,if I am more comfortable here than in your place then,yes I answered.

May I remind you that this is only for a couple of days and right after the visit.You will going back in my he demanded.

As you can see,everythings is doing fine here,so I want to stay and never going back in your place.I directly told him

You are gonna need to follow my command even if you like it or not.he darkly said

No,I never going back there,I belong here.I corrected him

You don't have any choice but to follow my orders.he commands


And you watched your tongue when talking to me,understand?

For what he said I feel like I don't have any rights at all and I lost my temper.

Too bad for you,because I have to remind you of three things,that I think you forget,
First,I will talk to you in whatever way I wanted to.
Secondly,I am not one of you,so I don't need to do your rules.
And finally,I still have my own life to live even if I don't know until only when!I looked straight to his damn charming eyes and it stand like that for seconds.

I can see his burning anger ready to explode any moment but im not going to give up some pride left
in me.

We don't have time for this.he defensively said and trying to controlled his anger.Drake let's go!

I won in our little battle.I'm not a loser at all!

Casey,thank you for your breakfast invitation but we better go.quickly apologies Drake.


Coming up,Alpha Jervis.

After they left I feel a little bit upset.For him,for me and for my friend who I know made an effort to prepared the food,she's good at it.

Your a witch!Casey exclaimed.

I'm surely not one of them either.i corrected her.

You just did it and no ordinary human can do!she added

Stop it,Casey.I only lost my temper.

Now we know someone can defy him.Danny said for the first time.

Yeah.Nancy added.

Okey,,let's forget what just happened and let's eat,I don't want the food waste.Casey inserted.

We chat while eating but avoiding to talk about the other world.Danny has to left after that.When time is getting closer gor us to meet our guardians I am more tense.

Hey,try to relax a bit.Nancy concernedly suggested.

I just can't,im sorry.

Nancy was right they'll here any minute now.Casey worriedly said too.

You should know,we are behind you.Okey?

Yes,I know that Casey and thank you.I can't do this without you.I emotionally said and hugged her.

They're here.Nancy announced.


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