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I still don't believe that I gave the job to her! I mean yes I wanted an assistant urgently,but why her!.

Come on she's not that bad. She is pretty good looking..

No Maybe because there wasn't much options to choose from. All the girls were either trying to seduce me or some who directly tried to kiss me
Their resume..well you won't even call that a resume. When I declined them they still had the nerve to argue against me.
And then she came Celine Carter, she is definitely very beautiful and different from others. If yesterday's incident wouldn't have happened I would definitely hire without any feelings.
Now I do have feelings for...
She is the most irritating and annoying person I have ever met,that attitude of hers I would like to crush it under my feet.

But right now she's required for this job. Also not to forget the stunt she pulled today morning, she would have definitely broken my door. The nerve of her..

"Come on.. You did it purposely, you should have let her in at the first time."
Said my inner self.

I rolled my eyes, I know I did it knowingly, but that didn't give her the rights to handle the door like that.

It's been almost 2 hours since she left my office. I decided to go and check if she doing her work or no.

Don't ask why, now..

As soon as I came out of my office I was met with a soft humming.
I turned my head to the direction of the song and realized it was from the assistant's room.

I clicked the door open my mouth fell open at the sight. All the files were spread out on the floor, at one end there were piles of crumpled papers.
I stepped inside carefully not to stamp anything.

Where the hell is she?

The humming voice came again and I realized it was coming from behind the desk. I went around the desk to see her sitting on the floor Indian style, with two stacks of files beside her. She was still humming to some unknown song, she didn't notice me come in.

Such a sweet voice, I wonder what it would be to hear my name coming from her lips.

I shook my head. She still hadn't noticed me.

" What are you doing on the floor?" I asked coming back from my thoughts.

She let out a tiny yelp as turned around to face me. I watched astonished as she put her hand on her chest as she realized it was me.

" Oh my god! You could have made some noise before coming and not sneaking to people. You scared the shit out of me " she breathed.

" Last time I checked this was my Company and I don't take orders from anyone. And as for coming in here I can come any way I want to " I said.

She stood up with one pile of the files and kept it on the desk muttering something under her breath.

" What? I can't hear you " I asked.

" Nothing Sir " she said stressing on the word sir.

She does have some nerve...

" Why were you on the floor?" I asked instead.

" Oh! That. That position was more comfortable to organize the files. Indeed your previous assistants were the best " she said.
" Why are you here sir, needed something? " she asked.

Yes why are you here Daniel? You surely didn't check on your assistant s before..

" I just wanted to check how much progress you have done with the work " I said.

" Uhmm.. Pretty good amount sir, I have completed 2 rows now the last 3 are left. They will be done in next few hours. " she looking at the shelf.

" Impressive. Good work with the sorting " I said looking around the shelf.

" Oh I know, been a librarian before.
I was the best at my work there and I suppose I will be here also " she said smiling proudly.

" Don't push it. I rarely give compliments Ms Carter and today I happen to be in a good mood " I quickly said.

Did I really compliment her..on her first day...

" Oh.ok sir " she said looking down.

" Whatever, also I came to inform you that you have a lunch break in about an hour , you can take a break at that time" I said and went out of her office leaving her standing there.


I went back into my office and started working right away.
I don't usually take breaks during lunch hour but after that, so I am still in my office speaking to Nate.

" You didn't tell me that you hired an assistant " he shrieked.

" I forgot to mention it. It's just her first day today anyway. How did you get to know about it? " I asked.

" That little bitchy receptionist you have has completely gossiped about her to one of my employee, I overheard them speaking " he said in a dismissing tone.
" I am still angry at you for not telling your best friend ".

" I have already told it to my best friend you know" I said trying to suppress my laughter.

" WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT MR. DANIEL HARPER!! you better be joking or I will come there right now and beat the crap out of you and feed you to dogs." he shouted.

I burst out laughing it was the reaction I expected from him.

" I..I was definitely joking Nate. I wish you were here I just missed the most precious face of yours" I said laughing.

" Ya.. Ya laugh all you want. I wish I was there to, to send you to hell" he replied.

" By the way I gotta go now..Talk to you later ".

" Ok talk to you later man. Don't be angry now" I said.

We hung up after saying bye. He has always been that way, infact both of us are possessive about are things and people close to us.

I was pulled from my train of thoughts when I heard the door of my office clicked open.
In came Ms Carter looked at my table and sighed. Of course she didn't notice me yet as I was sitting on my favorite couch in far corner.

I watched her every movement as she stepped forward and looked around my table as if searching for something. Then she went around the table and looked down to search.

I stood up, took few steps forward and leaned on the partition wall to observe her. Her head turned slightly in my direction, she paused for a bit and then,

" Aghhhhhhhhh" she screamed with her eyes wide open and she stumbled back until she hit the wall.

" What are you doing here? And why are you standing like a creep over there " she said panting hard.

This is to much...

" What I am doing here! It is my freaking office.. Why the hell are you here? " I shouted at her.

She flinched and closed her eyes tightly. I made my way towards hers and stopped only a few feet away from her.
" This is the third time you are saying something that I didn't do Ms Carter. It is my office my company and I go where and how I want to. You are not taking this job seriously miss and I can very well throw you out of the building for sneaking in my off.."

She cut me off before I could complete my sentence,
" No no no no no... I... I am s..sorry s..sir I..I wasn't t..trying to s..sneak. I promise it wasn't that please d..don't fire me " she said with a quivering voice.

I leaned further as she moved back with her wide eyes.

" Well......


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