Chapter 23 - Not Again!

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{Lansha's POV}

"YOU!?" Anara screamed, dropping Miraj (who she had in a headlock) onto the ground. "What are YOU doing here?"

"I came to help" The voice said in a creepily-innocent voice "Do you have a problem with that?" Who was this person? What's with Anara?

"HELL YES I DO MISS DIASPRO." Diaspro? Who is Diaspro?


"What are you doing here?" Anara asked again.

"I just told you, I came to help."

"Well we don't want it." Anara said angrily, obviously forgetting she was in the middle of a cat fight with my sister.

"I don't remember you being the voice of everyone around you, Anara" I guess Anara has pissed off two people today. She's starting to improve I see. 

"I'm sorry who is this woman?" Miraj asked standing up. I finally got to look at her, she had a black eye and I...I think she's lost a tooth. Wow. Anara knocked my sisters tooth out.

"My name is Diaspro and I am-"

"A home-wrecking bitch" Anara finished in an innocent-but-deadly sort of way.

"You have the personality of your mother."

"Evil witch"

"Spawn of Evil"


"You know it's kinda fun watching Anara fight with somebody much older than her" Miraj whispered to me.

"You know it's kinda fun watching Anara fight with you" I retaliated. And of course, Miraj rolled her eys.


{Sahpiro's POV}

Okay, getting Anastasia to help was a bad idea, because ever since I got back from the Waterfall Of The Moon, she has been complaining.

"How much moooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrre?" She asked whining.

"Be quiet and fly"

"Why can't we just teleport there"

"Look, it's just down there...let's go." I said pointing to the top of Cloud Tower.

When we got there it wasn't, well, the most pretty sight. In fact, I'm not exactly sure how to describe it.

Anara seemed to be arguing with some 40 year old, I noticed that she had a black eye and numerous other bruises. Miraj (who also seemed pretty batted up) was standing next to Lanasha and Lunace.

"Well, this looks interesting!" Anastasia pointed out happily.


{Lanasha's POV}

I glanced up and saw Sahpiro standing there next to...her sister. Oh how fun. I don't think Sahpiro truly understands that Miraj, Anara, Lunace and I hate Anastasia's guts. Well, if she knows how to blow up a dungeon, then I'll give her that.

"Well, this looks interesting!" She seemed overly-poppy, like she enjoyed other's pain. She would make a good villain, in fact...I wouldn't be surprised if she was secretly a villain.

"What is going on here?!" Sahpiro asked looking angry and slightly confused. To be honest, I didn't know myself.

"Oooh, are you two about to fight?" Anastasia bopped along cheerfully.

"Nobody's fighting anyone." Sahpiro shot a glance at her sister.

"How can you be so sure?" Diaspro or whatever her name is pointed out rudely. Whatever respect that I had with her for someone feuding with Anara was disappearing. Though she does look a little familliar, though that may just be me.

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