Chapter 21 - You've GOT to be Kidding Me

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{Lanasha's POV}

Need to get out of here, I need to get out of here, need to get out of here now! So why can't I move? I feel heavy, like my feet are glued to the ground. I really shouldn't have grabbed this plant...wait, maybe if I get rid of the plant I could move...there's only one small problem here - I can't move my arms to drop it!

Okay, calm down, there's a way out of this! Think..Lanasha...think. More rocks are falling around the place. Of course! How could I forget! I can teleport.

"By the power invested in me, magic, take me to Alfea" I prayed this would work...if it didn't...I'd be covered in rocks by now.

Suddenly I materialised in the Alfea courtyard! Yes, it worked! Now...where do I go, exactly? I don't know where the others are. I know Lunace and Miraj went to cloud tower...but is Anara still here? I should go check the infirmary first.

I slowly started avancing towarwds the building it was in...but something seemed wrong. Nobody else is out here - and it's a Thursday afternoon, the sunniest Thursday I've seen in a long time. Hm....

Eventually I reached the Infirmary but the only person there was Aronn. Sahpiro must have woken up...

"Where'd Deathix and Anara go?" I asked calmly

"No idea." He replied blankly. 

"You're helpful." I rolled my eyes, walking out. I should probably check the dorm first...that's probably my best bet. I put the Potentia plant on the table, not wanting to carry it anymore.


{Miraj's POV}

Me and Lunace have been fighting all these monsters Liracea and Electria are creating...but there still is no sign of them! Are they hiding out somewhere? Hopefully Lanasha won't have to run into them...

"How many of these monsters did those two make!?" I could hear one of the witches yelling below. Obviously a lot...

 "I have a theory" Lunace flew up next to me "That as soon as Lanasha gets the plant, they'll all disspear" She said blasting a couple out of the way.

"Well, how long could that possibly take? We've been fighting these monsters for like an hour!" I screamed

"Try fairy dust?" She offered

"Fairy Dust? OH! Good idea." I momentarily forgot I COULD use fairy dust. I started sprinkling over a group of monsters destroying one of the stairwells. So a started sprinkling fairy dust all over them - but it isn't doing anything. That potentia plant must have been very strong...why were there absolutely no guards there guarding it? I guess in all the pandemonium they were trying to fight off monsters in different places.

"Nothing." I said "We need a better plan!"

"Well, I have an idea...but we'll need help from the witches." Lunace replied quitely, indicating the witxches defending their school below.


"It's our only hope Miraj!" She said more confidently

"Okay, what's the plan?"

"Well, we need to lure them all inside somewhere - and trap them there"

"And we need to witches why exactly?" I asked

"Hmmm...there is about a 100 monsters down there versus two of us. And there is approximately 500 students here. Do the math!"

"You know they hate us, right?" I raised my eyebrow "In fact they seem to be handling this all dandy on their own!"

"Miraj whatever your middle name is Demeteour, we are going to help and thats that!" I just rolled my eyes in response.

"Okay then." I flew down and started yabbing to the witches to help us or let there school be destroyed. I think they were all suprised a fairy could yell that loud. Whatever. They decided to help us.


{Lanasha's POV}

"So, when'd you wake up Deathix?" I asked plopping down on the sofa next to Sahpiro and Anara, who were discussing fashion or makeup or whatever they usually did.

"About...half an our ago." Anara replied "When'd you get back? Where's the Potentia Plant?"

"I left it at the infirmary with Aronn."

"Anyway, Sahpiro, how did Anastasia manage to wake you up by simply clapping her hands?" Anara asked Sahpiro.

"Wait, Anastasia?" I asked "Your sister? She was here?"

"Yep. I think she actually still is though. Probably trying to figure out the best stratergy for blowing this place sky-high" Sahpiro explained "Well, any-"

"Wait!" Anara said "Blow this place up?"

"Anara, you know how much she hates Alfea. She thinks I'm wasting my time here. Anyway, as I was saying...I think she just knows how to get into my brain. Just guessing though."

"So, will Miss Feragonda and Miss Miran or whatever that new teachers name is try and...I don't know...destroy it?" Anara changed the subject.

"I'm not sure. I haven't actually seen either of them since I got back." I replied. "or anyone, for that matter. Where is everyone?" I answered.

"Hm." Anara was obviously thinking, because she usually had that same expression whenever something she can't answer arises. Then she pulled out her tracker, "Tracker. Find Miraj. Fiary, 16" she spoke into it. A 3D grid I've become so familiar with popped out and zoomed in on Miraj, who appeared to be leading the monsters into...I think it's one of the classrooms. I can hardly tell the difference between the dungeons and the classrooms at Cloud Tower, it's all so...dark.

"So, I guess this proves that the Potentia's powers will only stop when we destory it, right?" Sahiro asked. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Yes?" Sahpiro asked, getting to her feet. The dorr opened to to reveal Miss Feragonda and Miss Miran.

"I feel like I should inform you, but the Potentia Plant in the cave was just a trap. It's a fake, and we have no clear indication of where the real one is." Miss Miran said. It took a while for the words to sink in.

"You've GOT to be kidding me!"


Okay guys, I'm really sorry for enourmously slow updates. It's been over a month since my last update but I will honestly try to be a little faster from now on. This story only has 5 chapters and a epilouge to go so it'll be okay.

Oh, and I've been (attempting) to draw the girls, so I may have a few pictures to upload by next chapter.


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