Chapter 15 - The Winx Club Next Generation

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It has officially been two weeks since the day the truth came out. We haven't heard anything from the guys either. Which is really sad because they still don't know the truth. It did make me feel bad. Though there wasn't much to do about it. I couldn't just fly to Red Fountain, Miss F said we can't leave the school because of what happened with Liracea and Electria. All I know is three words: TOO MUCH BOREDOM. We couldn't go shopping, see movies, visit family. It really sucked. Even the classes seemed more boring than usual. We were all just lazing around our dorm. It IS Saturday after all - even if we have to stay in school.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Miraj asked.

"I don't really care. I'm absolutely bored out of my brains right now. I'll do almost anything!" Lanasha excaimed.

"I can't believe that Miss F made us stay here. We sort of won our last battle!" Miraj said.

"No. We didn't" I said swiftly. "They got away, with four of the artifacts they were looking for. Before that, when me and Lunace battled them, they got away, and didn't appear hurt at all. The first time you faced them Lunace, they got the artifact they needed from you. I wouldn't call any of those situations a win. They're too strong for us."

"Then we'll just have to get stronger! I have an idea!" Anara said. We all raised our eyebrows at her. "We train. Get stronger? Y'know..."

"Oh. How about we suggest it to Miss F?" Lunace asked

"Okay." I said "Let's go."


After we found Miss F and explained our plan, she decided that we could spend the weekend training. She decided to send us to the training course on the alfea grounds. 

"Basically what you have to do is make it from one side of the course to the other. You will be timed and also - along the way there are machines that will shoot magic at you in the form of the witche's elements. So be prepared for that. Also, I'm not going to tell you what awaits you on this course. Good luck." Miss F said, as we lined up on the red line. 

"3...2...1...GO!" She yelled and we flew off. Me and Miraj easily took the lead, with Anara not too far behind. Our first obticle was just up ahead-oh crap!

It was a massive tornado. It was heading towards us. We all stopped flying.

"What do we do?" Anara yelled.

"Can we fly through it?" Miraj asked

"I don't looks pretty strong." Lunace replied

"I have an idea. Everyone - get behind me!" I yelled. This was something I've never tried before, but in theory it could work. I was going to attempt to split the tornado in half so we could fly through it. 

"I hope this works....Air Bender!" I yelled, and the are in the center of the tornado moved, created a tunnel we could fly through. We all flew through it as fast as possible, they could obviously tell I wouldn't be able to keep it up long.

Suddenly, my spell broke, but instead of keeping on raging on the tornado slowly spiraled into just a small breeze. Did I do that subconsciously? I don't think so...

"Up ahead! It's our next obstacle!" Anara said, pointing at a bunch of lava streams, shooting from the ground.

"Woah!" Miraj said. 

"I think were supposed to dodge them...?" I said.

"How about dousing them in water?" Miraj said, raising her arms up to cast a spell.

"No!" I yelled. "If you mis lava and water you might create too much steam for us to breath! We have to fly around it!" It was really hard, I nearly got hit a few times but eventually we made it out in one peice.

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