Chapter 10 - Lunace, the Princess from Linphea - Part 1

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We all slowly walked out of the arena, without Musa, she had to go handle something somewhere else. 

"We should get back to the hotel..." Anara suggested.

"Yeah, it's getting pretty late" Lanasha said. We walked back through the dark streets. The hotel wasn't very far from the Arena, just a couple blocks. When we turned the corner we saw five familiar faces. It was Arnold, Aronn, Draine, Dale and Luke.

"Hey girls!" Draine said

"What are you guys doing here?" Anara asked

"We came to see the concert!" Aronn said, looking at me.

"But we have to leave in about...20 minutes! To get to Red Fountain" Luke added

 "Well it was nice seeing you guys!" Lanasha smiled, and we all walked away. It was really weird, we hardley ever see them, the last time I saw them was when we went on that mission. And suddenly they're here, at this concert. I thought it was suspisious, but I guess it is just simply a coincidence. 


The next morning I woke up early - so early nobody else was awake yet. Well, thats what I thought until I walked into the hotels rooms lounge room, were I found Lunace sitting on the couch, daydreaming.

"Morning." She said not looking up.

"Hey" I sat down on the couch next to her.

"What time are we leaving?" Lunace looked at me

"I'm not sure, though I think we are staying for lunch...anyway, last night when Musa was-"

"I know what your going to say, no, you weren't supposed to hear that and yes, it is true that only one other fairy knows that healing spell."

I raised my eyebrow, and put on an expression to show her that I knew who it was.

"What your thinking is right." She said

"Why don't you tell the others?" I asked

"Because it's too dangerous...there was a witch's threat made to me at home, Fl-my mother took care of it but she was worried, so she wanted to keep my title a secret."

I didn't say anything, we just both looked out the window, it was raining.

"How often does it rain here?" Lunace asked, suddenly Miraj, Anara and Lanasha walked through the door and sat down.

"Occasionally" Lanasha said "Unless by fairy or witch influence" She looked at Miraj

"Dont look at me!" She laughed "I didn't do anything!" Her expression was so priceless, we all burst out laughing, including her.

"Okay..." Lanasha tried to stop laughing "We..we have to have lunch and then we'll go back..."


4 hours later, at 1 PM it was time to go. We were all packed, and used double checking spells to make sure absolutely nothing was left behind. We all stood outside the hotel in a circle with Lanasha in the middle.

"By the power vested in me, magic, take us to Alfea!" She yelled.

This teleportation was a lot quicker than the last one and a lot less bumpy. When we got back we saw a hectic site - students were running around everywhere! The whole campus was crazy, full of terror and screams! What was going on? Then it happened. A massive gush of wind pushed us all over. The wind was load, it roared at it flew through the sky. Hail and rain was falling down on us, all over the campus.

"Whats going on?" Miraj whispered, she was on the ground next to me, too weak to stand up. 

"I..." I began slowly rising, to get a better veiw. "I-I-think that..." I was knocked over again, but not by wind, by something else. It was a beam of fire, it didn't hurt me, but it knocked me over. I drowned in the screams for a few seconds and rose up again, looking in the direction of the beam that hit me. I didn't realize that all my other friends were already standing, looking in the same direction. It was a monster looking at us. It was made of ice. Spikey, cold ice. It was massive, about 12 feet high. What I didn't quite understand is how it shot fire at me - even if it could, why ME? I was looking at it, every other student was screaming, not at the monster, I wasn't going to check. I lost thought for a milli-second at it shot a fire ray at me again. We all managed to dodge it just fine.

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