Are you going to talk to her?

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Ariana Mae's p.o.v

Today is finally Friday. I just want to get the day over with. Kloè and I haven't talked since the day she snapped at me.

I finished eating. My dad is out with uncle Niall and Uncle Zayn, while mum is in Montana for an interview.

It's just Beth and I at home. "Let's go!" Bethanie said. I nodded and we got our stuff and headed to her car. I got a text from jason.

From: Jason😁🙈
Are you coming to school?

To: Jason😁🙈
Yeah, on my way!(:

We got to school and I went to my locker. "Hey Ari!" Jason said as he walked over to my locker.

I smiled at him, and went to open my locker. "Hey!" I smiled. I got my books and binder out of my locker and I shut my locker.

Jason and I walked to put first class of the day and put our stuff on our desks. We then headed to the gym.

"Have you talked to Kloè?" He asked me. "No, I haven't, and as much as I miss her, I don't want to talk to her." I told him as I saw Bethanie Faith and her friends.

I waved to them and Jason and I continued to walk and we sat at the bottom bleachers. "I know, Kloè was really rude to you. I wouldn't give her a second change, to be completely honest." He said.

"Yeah, I know I shouldn't but I probably will." I said sighing. "Don't worry too much about it." Jason smiled. My phone went off and saw that I had a text from dad.

From: daddy🙈
Morning baby girl! Hope you have a good day. I should be home by the time you are. Don't let anyone ruin your day. I love you.

To: daddy🙈
Thanks daddy!💜 tell uncle Zayn and uncle Niall I said hi!☺️ love you dad.

I locked my phone. "look who Kloè's hanging out with." Jason said pointing to the most snotty girls in school. I can't stand them.

"Why? That's so stupid." I said "yeah, I don't know. She's dumb." Jason said. I laughed and smiled.

Darcy's p.o.v

I am currently in Montana and I miss my girls so much. I know that Ariana Mae has been struggling with the whole Kloè thing.

It hurts to see her so upset, and I know I can't do anything about it. That's my child. I want to be there for her as much as possible!

I just want to be home with my little babies..

Bethanie Faith's p.o.v

We are in 4th hour. We have one more class after this. I am currently in Social Studies.

"How's Ari?" Jason asked me. "I don't really know. She's been keeping her feelings a secret." I answered him. I wish Ari would tell me.

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