Chapter 30

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Iwaizumi fell into the bed on his back. Sweat dripping down his body as his chest moved up and down trying to catch as much air in his lungs as they could handle. His hips were aching and places he didn't even know existed on him were sore. Was this punishment or a reward? Iwaizumi felt a hand snake up his chest. A warm body snuggled into his left side pressed up closer. "Hajime," Iwaizumi closed his eyes when lips pressed against his ears. He could hear the small roughness as a result of the continuous screaming but even that couldn't detract from the tranquil feeling of the voice. The body shifted and Iwaizumi opened his eyes to the gentle smile of Sugawara. His grey hair was as messy as straight hair could get. Strands stuck out defying the forces of gravity. Iwaizumi wondered if there was a moment that Sugawara didn't look beautiful. Was this a reward? If it was it was one he wasn't deserving of. Sugawara pushed himself to straddle Iwaizumi's hips. "Ready to go again?"

Iwaizumi felt his heart jump out of his chest. The soft smile on Sugawara's lips was suddenly very terrifying. He attempted to move when Sugawara pinned his arms down to the bed locking him in place. This was punishment! All punishment! "I can't..." Sugawara silenced him with a chaste kiss. The struggle to free his arms lost its vigour and his hands settled back down into the bed.

"I'm sure we can get you up and running again soon," Sugawara smirked against his lips.

"You're a monster you know that," Iwaizumi sighed.

"I'm the monster?" Sugawara tipped his head. "Weren't you the one that flipped me over onto my stomach, grabbed my hair and fucked me till I blacked out?" Iwaizumi face went red hot as he remembered the events. He didn't realize how pent up he was until Sugawara was pushing him into the bed and stripping off their clothes. "Face it Hajime you're more of terror than me," Sugawara leaned over to whisper into his ears. "Not that I don't love it."

"I don't doubt that with your screams," Iwaizumi hummed. Lips pressed up against his neck and found his mouth again. The kiss was deeper this time. Sugawara broke through his lips demanding for control. The hands locking his wrists in place slid away down to his chest allowing him to rest his hands on Sugawara's smooth ass. He gave it a good squeeze, moaning in contempt.

"So I guess you're ready," Sugawara pulled away and rolled his hips down on Iwaizumi's hardening cock. Iwaizumi gave in. There was no escaping Sugawara. He flipped their bodies over and grabbed Sugawara's waist to pull him closer. The setter giggled in excitement. Iwaizumi was right where he wanted him to be towering over him with a leaky hard on. Sugawara was still the monster in his eyes.

Oikawa watched Hinata sleep in his bed. It was the only time you could catch him being so calm and still. Oikawa thinks he would enjoy it more if he had the luxury of watching Hinata drift off to a peaceful sleep rather than seeing him faint.... again. Could you give a guy a break? The first time he confesses his feeling out loud Hinata, he faints. The boy faints from the sheer fact that he found it so hard to believe that Oikawa could reciprocate his feelings. After many talks and maybe a few yells or a lot of yells Oikawa was sure that he would never have to have such a misunderstanding again. He thought he would never have to go through this whole fainting this again. Yet, here they were once again. Oikawa said he loved Hinata in front of everyone and Hinata was out cold. He should appreciate the delayed reaction this time. It's showing some improvement, right?

"I should apologize to you for my son making you worry so much." A voice giggled from behind him.

"Rin-san?" Oikawa saw the woman sauntering up from behind him.

"What happened this time?" Rin sighed as she saw Hinata on the bed. "Hit by a volleyball? That seems to be the source of all his injuries nowadays."

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