Chapter 18

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Iwaizumi POV

Iwaizumi just stared at his best friend. He was split down the path of actually feeling sorry for him and just walking away. To be honest, he was mostly siding with just walking away but Oikawa had promised to treat him if he followed him to the café so he might as well get the best out of it but he didn't want to eat his parfait and have to watch this depressing mess on the other side of the table. "Can you stop moping around?" he wanted to hit him. His hand was itching to hit him.

"But...," Oikawa bottom lip whimpered.

"Yes, he chose to hang out with his friends instead of you today. I don't see what the problem is." Iwaizumi glared and Oikawa stubbornly looked away.

"It's not," Oikawa mumbled to himself. Veins were starting to pop out on Iwaizumi's head. A free parfait could only do so much. "I just wanted to hang out with him today."

"So you're sad that your boyfriend ditched you today," the words stabbed Oikawa right through the chest. Right on the mark.

"Iwa-chan be gentler with me." Iwaizumi was glad that the server girl chose that moment to bring their treats because his patience was thinning. She placed each perfectly decorated parfait in front of them. It was obvious that she was trying to catch at least on of their attention but Iwaizumi pretended as if he was too distracted by his parfait to notice. The final blow was when Oikawa didn't even acknowledge her presence. Her shoulders slumped and she walked away disappointed. Iwaizumi put a spoonful of the treat in his mouth and god damn it was beautiful, the beautiful blend of cream and fruit with sugary sweetness. This store really made good sweets but that was beside the point (not really). This dejected Oikawa was ruining his parfait moment. "You know if you just begged a little I'm sure he would have said yes."

Oikawa pushed out his lip and dodged his eyes at anywhere but Iwaizumi. "I know," Oikawa stretched out the words.

"Then why are you here crying at me?" Iwaizumi wasn't mad. He was generally confused. Oikawa went after anything and everything he wanted and no matter how many times he was denied it as long as he wanted it he never stopped chasing. It was a bit annoying at times but it was on of the reason that he respected him so much ( not that he would ever tell Oikawa that though). Oikawa slumped down on the table and sighed, "I was going to but then..." Oikawa's voice trailed off.

"But thennn..." Iwaizumi urged him to continue.

"He looks so excited about meeting his friends that I couldn't." Iwaizumi was speechless. He watched Oikawa look longingly outside. His eyes had a softness that Iwaizumi thought Oikawa was incapable of having. He didn't know this person. "I just wonder if I'm allowed to be that selfish." A feeling in the deep pit of his stomach started to bubble and slowly make its way across the rest of his body. He didn't know this person. This side of Oikawa was a mystery to him. "You've changed," the words slipped so softly out of Iwaizumi's careless mouth that he swore it should be next to impossible for Oikawa to hear but he had. Before Oikawa could look at him with his questioning, analytical gaze Iwaizumi face was already in his parfait. "Iwa-chan?" Oikawa narrowed his eyes at his friend. Iwaizumi pretended he didn't hear and continued to treat himself to the parfait.

"Oikawa?" the familiar voice caused both of them to turn around.

Jiro POV

Hinata tapped his foot impatiently. He and Jiro have been standing here for what seemed like forever. What was taking them so long?! "I'm going to call them again," Hinata reached in his back pocket for his phone.

"You just called them five minutes ago," Hinata's hand hesitated at the phone.

"But it's freezing out here," Hinata hugged Jiro in an attempt to warm his own body. Jiro did nothing to stop him he was all but used to being around Hinata and it put his heart at ease when he saw perverted eyes turn away from Hinata. Oikawa must be ready to blow a fuse every time they went out together. "Jiro!" Jiro looked down to Hinata looking up frustrated at him. Hinata tend to get a bit fussy in the cold and already didn't like when people weren't paying attention to him so it just made him more miserable. Jiro just nodded and listened to Hinata's ramblings. Jiro took a deep breath in and then out. "Shouyou, do you think your boyfriend would approve of this?"

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