Chapter 7

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Oikawa POV

Oikawa didn't understand. He couldn't comprehend. He really didn't want to understand how people happily got up and function at these ungodly hours. "Prince-sama. Prince-sama, wake up." Natsu shook Oikawa sounding just as tired as him. Oikawa weakly sat up and looked lazily at the little girl. "Mama went out to do a favour for a friend and won't be back soon so Onii-chan is making breakfast... now," she said as if explaining why they both were up so early on a Sunday morning.

"What time is it?" Oikawa yawned

"Nine, " Natsu spat out. He could tell that the young Hinata was not too happy about being up and out of her bed. Well, he really didn't blame her; he wasn't a morning person himself. T he only thing dragging him out of bed on the weekdays and Saturdays was volleyball training (and his mother yelling at him to get to school). On Sundays, he usually wouldn't leave his bed until noon. And yet here he was, miraculously up before ten in the morning.

"Hmm, tell Shou-chan I'll skip breakfast." Oikawa tucked himself back in.

"He said if you don't wake up he'll come in here for you himself," Natsu said. He groaned, shoved the sheets off and stood up. "Can I get a piggyback ride?" Natsu stretched out her hands to him.

Oikawa sighed and smiled a little. "Sure." He kneeled down for her to climb onto his back. "Really , people shouldn't be up this early on a weekend." He yawned again making his way to the kitchen.

Natsu nodded in agreement as she rubbed her eyes and yawned. "Onii- chan is a morning person, though."

"Morning person? Those people actually exist ..." he whispered to himself.

As soon as Oikawa reached the living room, all he saw was bright sunshine. Hinata was busy cooking up breakfast and looking as lively as ever with a big smile on his face. "Morning guys, breakfast is almost ready so have a seat."

'So that's a morning person,' Oikawa thought. 'For some reason, I can't help but feel irritated.' He placed down Natsu. They both had a seat at the already set table. Even with the slight irritation in the back of his head, Oikawa couldn't help but be mesmerized at the sight of Hinata working in the kitchen. Watching Hinata work his way around the kitchen was in every aspect beautiful and breathtaking. He couldn't force himself to look away from the view, especially when Hinata smiled down into the pot, solely focused on the eggs. Hinata's smile to Oikawa was always the light of any day, it was literally the cure to cancer to him, but something was different. Tooru couldn't tell if it was because he was still half-asleep or if it was how the sunlight seeped into the kitchen hit Shouyou, but he seemed a bit happier today. He wore that smile as if he had discovered the key to eternal happiness.

"You seem happy today," Oikawa said. Hinata made eye-contact with the setter for a few seconds and stared blankly, trying to grasp the statement. "You've been smiling like a schoolgirl in love. "

This earned a deep shade of red on Hinata's face. "W-w-whaat?" he stuttered. The serene, god-like form was broken but in Oikawa's eyes, he was still beautiful. He watched as the young flustered crow tried to regain his composure and failed as he furthered baffled himself. It was hard not to laugh at the situation. Hinata finished up breakfast in his blushing state. Cute.

Still, there was definitely something different about Hinata today. Even Hinata's reactions from light teasing seemed a bit intensified. It was obvious he knew he was being watched, his nervous shaking and pink face were the main giveaways, yet he still refused to turn around or even yell at him to stop staring. Hinata laid out breakfast for each of them and took his seat. "Itadakimasu!" they all synced. 'A traditional Japanese breakfast,' Oikawa thought to himself as he picked up his chopsticks, ready to dig in. He noticed Hinata not so subtly looking over to him. He was probably waiting for a reaction.

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