Chapter 27

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Morning practice was quiet. Really, really quiet. Most coaches and advisors wouldn't mind this seeing as it meant that the students were focused on their drills but when you are used to a team that is as loud and lively as Karasuno then it can be very unnerving and possibly even be on the verge of driving you insane. Ukai and Takeda were feeling the silence pulling on their sanity. Something was wrong it was very wrong. There was a very limited amount of interaction between the team. Other than the usual encouragements and when absolutely necessary. Ennoshita was trying to communicate over the obvious thick between everyone but it ended in the usual nods and one-worded answers. It wasn't hard to narrow down the source of the problem. While the team wasn't talking Kageyama and Hinata were avoiding each other like the plague. "Yachi," Ukai beckoned over to the manager. "Do you know what happened between those two?"

"Not that I can think of," Yachi shook her head. So Yachi was also out of the loop. That was odd she was usually very updated with the status and affairs of the team. One of the good things of being a manager, other members felt way more comfortable conversing with you rather than their advisor or coach. "It could have something to do with Hinata's fan-club," Ukai heard Yachi whisper to herself.

"Hinata's fan-club?" Ukai cocked his head to the side. "What's that?"

"Umm, nothing," Yachi waved her hands and quickly rushed back to work. Looks like she said something she wasn't supposed to say.

"Do you know anything about this?" Ukai asked Takeda.

"Nope," Takeda shook his head. "

It wasn't odd for Hinata and Kageyama to have fights. It was a part of their dynamic. They were usually petty nothing serious but when they did have the major ones it had never once affected the team this much.

"Okay guys," Ukai clapped his hands and halted practice. "Start cooling down and packing up so you can get to class on time."

"Let's line up," Ennoshita ordered.

"Umm, Ennoshita," Ukai called. "Can we speak to you for a moment?"

"Sure," Ennoshita nodded. "Tanaka take over." The vice-captain nodded and started the usual sketches. "Yes, coa-ACH!" Ennoshita vaguely had time to realize his coach and advisor pulling him outside and then surrounding him with his back to the wall. "What's going on? Did I do something wrong?"


"Yes!" Ennoshita replied to Ukai.

"What's going on with the team?" Takeda asked in a hard tone.

"The team?" Ennoshita relaxed.

"Don't think we haven't realized the thick tension between everyone especially Hinata and Kageyama!" Ukai yelled in frustration. "What is going on?!"

"Oh umm that," Ennoshita glances sideways as an exhausted look formed on his face.

"What?" Takeda questioned.

"Well," Ennoshita started, "I'm not sure if it's my place to talk because it's a personal issue."

"An issue which is now affecting the team which also makes it my issues," Ukai folded his arms.

Ennoshita remained silent contemplating on whether to say anything. He finally let out a long breath, "It's Hinata's boyfriend."

"Hinata's-," Ukai started.

"Boyfriend!" Takeda yelled in mild shock. Ennoshita quickly shushed them and then looked for any signs of any members of the team listening in.

"Hinata's gay?" Ukai asked in a lower voice.

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