Chapter 15

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Hinata POV

Hinata cruised through the school entrance feeling giddy with himself. Nothing could ruin his mood not the fact that Kageyama may have beaten him to the door today or the fact he has an English test later because as he studied the chibi crow dangling from his phone in his face he couldn't help but think that he had the best boyfriend ever like in the entire world or more like universe. Did it even matter?! Tooru was just amazing. More than amazing. He was just the most caring thoughtful person ever well to Hinata at least. The fact that he didn't see Kageyama standing at the door of the gym just boosted that happiness. This meant he was now tied with Kageyama but still that was nothing compared to his brand new extremely cool phone strap which was given to his ultimately cooler boyfriend, did he mention that?

Hinata wanted to scream out. He's been so concentrated on volleyball and kind of forgotten what it's like to be in a relationship and it was like walking high on marshmallow clouds with unicorns and rainbows yep lots and lots of rainbows. Hinata bit his lip. The idea of calling Oikawa at this very moment popped into his head. He knew very well that his boyfriend – yes, his boyfriend – wasn't particularly so chirpy when it came to the morning especially the early morning but would one call hurt. He should be getting up for school soon anyway. The need to establish that he was first at the gym vanished and Hinata quickly ran up to the club room ready to dial the number. As soon as he swung open the door. Hinata helped back a solid scream as he saw everyone on his team sitting down in silence. They all made a semi-circle just sitting and waiting just waiting. Hinata had to reorganize his thoughts when he realized no one had reacted to him entering. Hinata walked in further and heard the door immediately slam behind him. He flinched as he saw Kageyama with his hands still on the cold door. "Guys?" Hinata said shakily.

"Hinata," Daichi was the first to speak sitting in the middle of the circle, "we've been waiting on you."

Hinata narrowed his eyebrows confused, "I'm sorry, are we having a meeting?" He doesn't remember anybody telling him anything about any meeting. The only had them before a big match anyway. "No, we're just having a chat." The other nodded with Daichi and Hinata put down his bag and settled down. Tsukishima was on his phone doing his own thing. Thank god he was acting normal. "So, Hinata," Ennoshita was the one to speak this time, "you made quite an exit yesterday."

The others nodded with the exception of Tsukishima who just sighed at his team's behavior.

"I'm sorry I left so suddenly," Hinata choked out in the oddly tense atmosphere.

"You've been leaving earlier than usual recently." Tanaka and the other leaned in closer and Hinata nodded.

"You've been smiling at your phone a lot too." Nishinoya followed and Hinata gulped. He looked over at Tsukishima for help but Tsukishima pretty much silently explained to him that he's on his own. Hinata hadn't realized how close everyone suddenly seemed as they waited for an answer. Did they know? They didn't look happy if that was the case. A sudden familiar chill went down his spine and Hinata didn't have to turn around to know the person giving him a death glare. "Hinata," he felt Kageyama tightly grip his shoulder, "what have you been up to lately?"

Hinata sucked all the air in as his tiny heart beat as fast as the scared thing could. What would he say? What should he say? No, there was no need to say anything. Who says you can't run from your problems? He's outrun Kageyama plenty of times. He'll just have to outrun the rest of the Karasuno team. Hinata could just burst into tears this instance.

"Would you guys tone it down a bit?" Tsukishima spat out. Everyone but Yamaguchi and Hinata looked surprised that the blonde spoke out for Hinata, "I told them you went on a date yesterday nothing more." Tsukishima emphasized the 'nothing more' making it clear that they had no idea who Hinata was on a date with.

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