Chapter 28

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Oikawa POV

A line, a clear thick line. One that was very easy to cross you just need to take a few steps forward. This line wasn't that simple. The problem didn't lie in the means to cross it but the fact that there was no turning back. No escape, he'll be forced to walk the path to the end. There wasn't any certainty in the kind of journey he will encounter. The stakes were high and everything could fall apart in one wrong move yet the rewards were just as sweet. There was no question, no doubt this was a road he had to travel.

"Would you stop making such a big deal out of this?!" Iwaizumi delivered a solid kick to Oikawa's backside.

"Like you can talk you're just as scared as me!" Iwaizumi stiffened at Oikawa's reference to his body's trembling. Oikawa had no clue what could scare Iwaizumi this much and was both curious and terrified. He wanted to discover it but some things were better left undiscovered. This could be on the verge of one of those things.

"We just have to walk pass the gate. Just walk pass it. Just..." Iwaizumi's chant became softer with each time he repeated it. The confidence fading away bit by bit until the thought of running away was becoming clearer in his mind. He and Oikawa faced a line no a gateway. The gates of Karasuno. "I'm sorry, I can't do this," Iwaizumi turned on the balls of his feet to make a run for it. Oikawa pushed forward and tackled him before he could escape.

"No! You promised to follow me!" Oikawa pinned Iwaizumi down. "Who else is going to be my emotional support?!"

"Emotional support?! Just try not to be your usual shitty self and everything should go fine!"

"If I'm going down I'm not going down alone!"

"The first rule to not being shitty is not sacrificing your friends!"


"Just get off me before we start attracting attention!" Oikawa was hesitant scared Iwaizumi would take off the moment he got off his back. It took a while before he relented and helped Iwaizumi up to his feet.

"Okay so first we need a plan on how to get in and around the school," Oikawa whispered to himself and started running through the different scenarios and solutions in his head. While Oikawa was deep in thought Iwaizumi took this as his chance to make a clean getaway. He started to shift away from Oikawa when his friend's swift arm locked him down. There was no escaping from this.

"Hmm, I can't think of anything?" Oikawa sighed in defeat ignoring Iwaizumi's attempt to break free of his hold.

"Why don't you call Hinata then?" Iwaizumi huffed.

"He's in volleyball practice." He didn't want Hinata knowing he came here anyway. He would try to talk him out of it and rush him away from campus before any of his team members spotted him. Oikawa looked around. Students should be making their way home about know yet there was a small gathering of onlookers with a vast majority of them being girls, not surprising. Maybe he could ask one of them.

"If you are going to ask someone, ask a guy." Oikawa squirmed with Iwaizumi's great mind reading skills.


"Fine, let's just see what Hinata has to say after."

Oikawa's face went pale at the thought. He already had Karasuno on him, he didn't need Hinata too. Not that Karasuno even scared him half like what Hinata did. "Fine, you ask then."

"Hah?! Why am I asking?!"

"Because Shou-chan says I can't talk to anyone without flirting so you ask."

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