Chapter 16.6

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Daichi POV

Daichi stared at the time on his phone. Sugawara was late... again. Sugawara wasn't usually a tardy person unless it came to anything on Friday or Saturday nights, mostly Friday. He just wished he knew what he was doing. "You think Sugawara would tell us if he got a girlfriend?" Daichi asked Asahi. He didn't even bother to comment on the slight blush on Asahi face from the question.

"I t-think he would," Asahi answered, "Why?"

"I'm just trying to figure why he's always so late on Fridays," Daichi huffed. It wasn't something that was recent, though. It's been going on for quite some time he's sure he would have realized something or Sugawara would have told him by now. The doorbell rang and Daichi jumped up to get it. "Where have you...?" Daichi felt the immediate urge to slam the door closed when he saw Nishinoya and Tanaka face at the door.

"I'm sorry," he realized Ennoshita behind them, "I tried to stop them." Asahi must have to Nishinoya.

"We have snacks," Tanaka held up the convenience store bag filled with food and Daichi gave into the temptation letting them in. It didn't take long for them to get cozied up in his room. So they had him, Asahi and three other uninvited guests but still no Sugawara.

"Where's Suga-san?" Ennoshita asked as if he read Daichi' mind.

"That's what I wanna know," Daichi grumbled.

"Probably he has a secret girlfriend like Hinata," Nishinoya snickered.

"Really?!" Tanaka opened the bag of chips in surprise.

"Don't act so shocked," Ennoshita elbowed Tanaka.

"It's not that I'm surprised he could have a girlfriend," Tanaka rubbed his stomach, "I just thought he would have mentioned it."

"Me too," Daichi laid on the ground, " I don't think he has one and it's not unusual for him to be late on Fridays."

"I wonder what Sugawara would be like with a girlfriend?" Tanka said with a full mouth and instead of just shooting him down his friends actually pondered the situation.

"Has he never had one?" Ennoshita asked.

"Not that we know of," Asahi said now that he thought about it.

"I can't see him being one of those dominant, in-charge types, though," Noya sighed at the thought of Sugawara ever being rough.

"He seems more like one of those sweet, caring, thoughtful types," the other nodded in agreement with Ennoshita. Tanaka suddenly lost his thought started to furrow his eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" Daichi asked curious about what Tanaka was thinking.

"Well," Tanaka blushed a little, "don't take it the wrong way," he waved his hands, "but I was just thinking about Sugawara dating and the things he would do like holding hands and kissing and.. you know."

"Dude!" Nishinoya yelled and Asahi blushed furiously while Ennoshita and Daichi just groaned.

"It's not what you think its just that when I really started to think about it...," something in what Tanka said triggered the others to follow and they eventually got the gist of things.

"I can't picture it at all," they all synced and sighed with the exception of the flushing Asahi.

"Suga-san is just too innocent," the others nodded with Nishinoya.

The didn't realize when the door creaked open too consumed in their own thoughts, " You guys talking about me?" they all turned to Sugawara peeking in at the door.

"Where have you been?" Daichi was the first one to talk.

"Sorry," Suga gave him an apologetic smile and made himself comfortable on Daichi's bed, "A friend called me at last minute for some help. It wasn't supposed to take that long."

"Guy or Girl?" Tanaka shot out.

"Does it matter?" Sugawara gave them a confused stare.

Daichi narrowed his eyes suspiciously, "Suga, do you have anyone that you like?" Everyone ears were on Sugawara's answer.

"I like you guys don't I?" Sugawara tipped his head to the side.

That was their Suga for you. He was just too innocent.

Sugawara POV

"That was close," Sugawara took a secret breath of relief, " I nearly got lost in it again. Pulling on my hair felt really nice too and we had to cut it short. Maybe I should meet him up again tomorrow or maybe Kyoto or...?"

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