Chapter 14.5

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Oikawa POV

Oikawa plopped down on the coach and let out a deep breath. He escaped. He finally escaped their clutches. Hinata wasn't as lucky he was still in there with his mom and Rika struggling to ask every inquisitive question they could throw. He wasn't sure how much time he had; as soon as dinner start the questions were bound to follow not long after. Oikawa felt something tug at his pants and looked down. Natsu looked up at him with her big eyes gripping his pants with her tiny hands. "Prince-sama?" she asked softly and he gave her a small smile.

"Yes my princess," Oikawa lifted her up onto his lap. Natsu stayed quiet and kept her head down. "Is everything okay?" he asked. She was usually just as energetic as her older brother.

"Prince-sama, you can't marry me can you?" Natsu looked up at him.

Well he couldn't for obvious reasons at this point but right now, "Why would you say that?"

"You and onii-san always look happy when you are talking to each other and you are always looking at him," Oikawa gulped as the little orange head talked. Was she always this observant? "and I saw you and onii-san kiss once." Natsu said a bit quietly and Oikawa froze.

"You saw us..." he didn't complete the question but she nodded. He and Hinata had a habit of sneaking kisses when they think no one was around so probably one of those time.

"Do you like onii-san?" Natsu gave him the most innocent pair of eyes he's ever seen on a person.

Oikawa laughed gently and nodded, "Yeah, I do."

"Are you going to take him away from us?" the question wasn't harsh but a bit sad.

"Of course not," Oikawa patted her head, "I would never allow such a thing." Natsu worried expression became a smile and grew wider as they played around. It died down and Natsu dipped back down her head.

"I can't marry Prince-sama," Natsu sighed and worry grew in Oikawa's stomach. Natsu immediately pumped her hand up in the air and her eyes shined with excitement, "but I can have two super cool onii-sans to show off! Right Tooru-onii-san."

Tooru-onii-san. The words tugged at his heart strings. Oikawa pulled Natsu into a huge hug and held back the urge to scream. He now understands the feeling of every big brother, every father because what he held in his hands was an angel. "Tooru-onii-san," Natsu stammered out and Oikawa finally broke the hug.

"Natsu my sweet princess!" Oikawa couldn't contain himself, "Let onii-san treat you to ice-cream"

Natsu eyes lite up, "Really? Can I get two scoops?"

"Anything for my angel!" Oikawa pulled her into another hug and Natsu laughed while she tried to weasel herself out of the tight hug.

Hinata POV

Hinata stood right behind the wall beside the entrance to the living room. He listened to the laughter coming from both his little sister and boyfriend. A small smile found it way on his lips, "Idiot you're going to spoil her." Hinata sighed softly and decided to stay there for a few more. Not wanting to ruin the moment.

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