Chapter 17

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Oikawa POV

Oikawa snuck around the corner and peeked out. He peeked his head out slightly and smiled when he saw the bright orange hair peeking out from behind the couch. "Where is Natsu?" Oikawa strolled in and he heard tiny giggles coming from behind the coach. "Natsu?" Oikawa dragged out her name. He crept around the couch. Natsu chuckled and leaned out slightly to try and find Oikawa. He took this as his chance and swooped in to catch her. "Caught ya," Natsu screamed when he grabbed her and spun her around. "Can we play again?" Natsu pleaded.

"No can do Natsu, its bed time," Oikawa gave her a small smile as she whined. Deep down he wanted to say yes but Hinata would just scowl him that he's spoiling her too much. Hinata and his mother had to rush out to do some chores and wouldn't be back till late and while his mother was immediately on board Hinata was doubtful since in he doesn't know how to be strict when it comes to Natsu (although how could you really tell this angel no and not have your heart break). Natsu eventually gave in and thank god because Oikawa wasn't far enough from breaking. Even though she had been complaining she wasn't tired she immediately fell asleep as soon as Oikawa tucked her in. He stepped out of the room as quiet as he could and closed the door.

Oikawa fell into the hot bath and let out a long deep breath of relief. Babysitting took a lot of energy. Not that he didn't love Natsu but kids already took a lot out of a person to keep up with and the Hinata's were an entirely different ball game. Still, it wasn't bad, he actually felt like he was already assimilated into the family. It was kind of like his second home. He visited and stayed over unannounced all the time, they always had clothes aside just for him, they had his favorite brand of coffee, he even had his own mug! There were little to no restrictions to what he could do around here. Rin had even joked about giving him a key. At least he thinks she was joking she did sound a bit serious but it was hard to tell with Rin. If he had a key, he would probably try to stop by every day. No, he would stop by every day. Oikawa stayed there pondering on the thought until his fingers started to prune.

Oikawa dried off and slipped on his usual set of clothes put aside for him. He helped himself to a cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream to top it off. He turned on the TV and flicked through the channels until he just settled on some corny Christmas movie they were showing. Christmas? They should probably do something for Christmas or Christmas Eve and he also had to get a present. Then there was also dinner. Knowing his mom, she would no doubt invite Hinata's family anyway. Rin, Natsu, Hinata and, and... Oikawa couldn't help but feel that he was missing someone. He just shrugged when no one came to mind and continued watching his show.

It was late Hinata and Rin should have been back by now. Reaching for the phone to call Hinata Oikawa heard the door swing open and breathed out in relief. He already felt the cold December air blowing in and got up to greet them. "Hey, you guys are lat.." Oikawa stopped in his tracks when he saw not the two shining people he wanted to see but a tall muscular man dragging in his suitcases. The man looked at Oikawa with an equal amount of shock. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" the man said sternly looking at him like he better give him a good reason or he's going to be kicked out.

Oikawa hummed, "I think I should be asking that question." Hinata and Rin would tell him if someone would stop by the house and they didn't and with Natsu sleeping in her room, he was just a minute away from calling the police.

The man was about to say something until he got a proper look of Oikawa, "Are those my clothes?"

Oikawa's mouth nearly dropped open. His clothes but these clothes belonged to, "Your Hinata's and Natsu's Dad?" the words tripped over one another.

"Yeah," he looked at Oikawa oddly, "Rin!"

"Uh she and Hinata aren't here at the moment," Oikawa felt as if his chest was about to burst open. He has barely heard anything about Hinata's dad. The only thing he really knew about the guy was that he was alive from the rare times the name popped up. He wasn't ready for this. Why was he so tall? He thought all Hinatas were short?! Oikawa jumped when Hinata's Dad turned a hard glare on him. "If they're not here then why are you here?"

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