Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter 21
Unsure and Confused

"I'm your birth mother."

"I'm your birth mother."

"I'm your birth mother."

"Carter? Where are you going? Wait!"

My legs pumped harder, until my feet were brutally slamming against the pavement. My fury fueled my pace as I sharply turned a corner, pushing myself to go faster—faster than I've ever gone. There was a painful sting burning my thighs, but I welcomed the pain.

I wasn't sure how long I ended up running. It must have been hours of me circling campus until I slowed to a jog by the beach. I hadn't realized I was coming to a stop until I found myself absently staring at the same bench Daniel and I sat on all those weeks ago.

Now that I've stopped running, the ache in my legs became blinding.

Numbly, I shifted around the bench, plopped myself down and stared toward the sea of water. The sun wasn't fully settled in the sky, and I tried to guess how long it's been since the sun rose.

However, the longer I stared at nothing, the more my thoughts dwindled to yesterday. To Ashley's confession.

A tear slipped from my eye.

I didn't know what I expected when I managed to find my birth mother—confront her? Just ask questions about what happened? That all flew out the window when I saw her, obviously. I froze because nothing went as I planned.

She knew who I was. And she didn't say anything.

How long had she known? Since the beginning? Since she offered to make me tea?

I wanted to scream. Curse. Cry. But there was a feeling an overwhelming amount of anger that felt foreign to me. The last time I felt such strong emotions was when Daniel and I were in foster care.


I blinked fast before twisting my head, only to see Dallas watching me with furrowed brows. Because he was wearing short sleeves, I dropped my eyes on his tattooed arms before soberly flicking my gaze back to his.

"What's wrong with you?"

For some reason, his presence made me angry. It wasn't his fault, but that didn't stop me from biting out, "Why do you care?" Before snapping my focus straight ahead once more.

I felt the bench dip suddenly. "Who shoved a stick up your ass this morning?" He laughed, making my fists clench on either side of me.

"Go annoy someone else right now, Randy."

He tensed next to me, but his voice seemed to soften. "Well, shit. Who fucked you up?" He paused before cheerfully asking, "Daniel?"

"You don't get to talk about Daniel," I snapped, glaring at him.

Instead of getting angry, he laughed dryly and pressed his elbows onto his knees before leaning forward. "Well, fucking Daniel doesn't mind talking about me," he hinted, smirking in my direction. "Did you know we've become texting buddies?"

My brows furrowed; my anger being replaced with confusion. "What are you talking about?"

His expression instantly brightened into a wide grin. "I love this. He doesn't tell you shit, does he?" He said, laughing. "Well, at least the shit that'll make him look bad. I knew it."

He began to sober up, pinching my chin gently before suggesting, "I can tell you everything."

As much as I wanted to accept the offer, I knew better than to trust him. I knew Daniel believed he didn't do the greatest things as a teenager, but I'm sure when he's comfortable with me knowing, he'll be honest.

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