Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter 17
Fist Fights and Kisses

As the first day of the new month, I did what I always did; I commuted all the way to the bus stop. I tried contacting Daniel earlier in the day, asking if he wanted to join me. But I continued to get his voicemail, so I assumed he was too busy to respond.

After heading back to campus, I met with Jade and got dinner together. It wasn't until it was past nine that I finally strolled into the apartment, Willow thankfully nowhere in sight.

Since exams were starting in two weeks, I decided to make the dinner table my study place. However, as I was going into my bedroom to bring all my textbooks out, my phone rang from the kitchen island.

With a short sigh, I quickened my pace toward the phone, only to stare at it with confusion when I read the caller ID.

"Hello?" I said once the phone was pressed against my ear.

Luis sounded breathless on the other line. "Hey, Cart."

At first, I frowned—first, because he only calls me when he's inviting me over, or when Daniel was in trouble. By the sound of the background noise, I was assuming the latter.

I stood up straighter and demanded, "What happened?

He seemed to hesitate with his answer. "I need your help." I was already gripping my apartment keys and rushing to the exit. "I'm at a bar. Otto's. The one across from your building."

"I'll be there soon." I didn't say anything else before ending the call.

The moment I entered the stairwell, I took two steps at a time before throwing the outside door open. I didn't wait any more time before jogging across the street. By the time I stopped in front of the bar, I sucked in a surprise breath when I saw Daniel through the window. His back was to me, but I knew that back anywhere. Lean but muscular.

Was he... was he drinking?

He told me he wouldn't drink anymore.

I shoved the thought away, not wanting to feel upset over something he was doing with his body.

I didn't know why I didn't make the correlation earlier. Luis said to come to the bar. Why else does someone go to a bar?

Suddenly feeling nervous, I stepped inside and headed in their direction, never peeling my eyes off Daniel. Although, I briefly glanced to his side to see that a distraught Luis was sitting next to him. He sagged in relief when he saw me.

He twisted his gaze to Daniel and reluctantly stood up before approaching me. I glanced between them both before asking cautiously, "What's going on?"

Luis rubbed the back of his neck and scrunched his face with concern. "He wanted to come out and get drinks, and I came with him, so he wasn't alone. Now he doesn't want to leave."

I nodded, not saying anything else before slipping into Luis' seat. Daniel didn't turn, but as if he could sense it was me, he stiffened. He kept his head hung low while he focused on the glass he was holding.

"Danny," I whispered softly, touching his shoulder. He clenched his jaw but didn't pull away from me. I took that as a win. "Can we go now? Please?"

When he didn't say anything, I lowered my voice. "Come on, for me. Please? Guys are staring and it's making me uncomfortable."

I wasn't completely lying. The moment I entered the bar, a group of guys in their mid-twenties have been following my movements. They sat at the table close to the entrance, watching my encounter with Daniel with lingering eyes.

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