Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter 35
Family Isn't Always Blood

I didn't know what to expect when we opened the door. But I definitely didn't expect to see mom pulling Ashley into a hug.

Even dad and Jasper were respectful, despite their differences.

Shockingly enough, the night went smoothly—even though I sat on the edge of my seat, ready for someone to blow up. Daniel had to remind me three times that this was, in fact, real life, before heading to the guest room—he sadly didn't want to betray my parents, so he made the mature decision not to sneak in.

A day after we left my parents, I woke up Monday morning and booked a room at the SRC, not in the mood to go for a run. Despite knowing Oliver, Aiden and Isaac were in custody, I still felt hesitant going on runs. The habit of examining my surroundings also hadn't lessened, even with the threat safely tucked away.

I was halfway through practicing a technique in front of the mirrors when the music stopped. A second later, my phone began to ring from on top of my bag.

With a sigh, I straightened and strolled closer to the wall of mirrors before plucking the phone up. "Yes?" I drawled once I answered the call.

"Is that how you greet everyone? Don't you miss me, thumb sucker?"

I snorted and leaned against the mirror. "Am I supposed to?"

"Is that a no? I'm heartbroken, Carter." Dallas sighed longingly. I only rolled my eyes to the back of my head, but felt the corner of my mouth twitching.

"What do you want?"

"Hey, we're gonna be friends now, right? I like seeing my friends."

"Friends, Dallas," I reminded him slowly. "But if you're planning on using me to get to Daniel, I will hurt you."

He let out an unexpected, loud laugh. "Trust me, I've learned that getting my revenge gets me nowhere. I still fucking hate his guts, I won't lie about that, but take it as a compliment that I like you, Carter."

"Should I feel honoured?"

"Yes," he hummed before deadpanning, "Anyway, let's grab a drink. Haven't seen you in a bit."

I moved my phone to look at the time. "I'm meeting up with a friend, but I can ask if she wants to meet up."

"Sounds good," he chirped uncharacteristically, making me frown before hesitantly muttering a goodbye.

For the next bit, I finished up dancing. When the clock hit eleven, Jade strolled into the room wearing mom jean shorts with a red tube top. She also wore her red lipstick with a lollipop in between her lips.

"Ready?" She asked, shoving her phone into her butt pocket.

I nodded, slipping into black retro booty shorts that Willow bought me on a discount a week ago. I slipped a tee shirt over my sports bra before walking out with her next to me.

"Do you mind if we stop by at the café to see Dallas before we get food?" Jade's face scrunched in disgust, so I added, "He called and asked if he could see me. I don't know if everything's okay, so I just wanted to make sure he's not gonna do something stupid."

She groaned next to me, throwing her head back. "Fine."

"You don't like him?" My mouth rose into a small smirk when her nose flared. 

We started walking downstairs when she said, "Not that I don't like him. But in the handful of times I've seen him, he acted like a condescending dick. Plus, he thinks he's hot shit."

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