Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter 16
Hooded Figure

Sleeping over at Daniel's had its pros and cons, apparently.

A pro? It's easier to convince him to watch Marvel when there's a TV in front of us. Plus, we have unlimited access to cookies and milk, with no one around to judge me. But on the flip side?

Staying at Daniel's house is going to lead me to have arguments. With my family.

I came back to the apartment Friday afternoon, after Daniel told me he had to go to work. Since I had a therapy appointment at six, I didn't mind going our separate ways. I needed to stop at home to change my clothes and eat something.

Instead of finding an empty apartment, however, I was instead greeted with a furious Willow pacing in the living room.

The moment I unlocked the door, she came to an abrupt halt before she spun her body toward me. Her eyes flared with anger before she demanded, "Where have you been?" I didn't have the chance to reply before sputtered out, "Do you understand how worried we've been?"


"Me, mom and dad, Carter!" She shouted, making me take a step back. "You're so irresponsible, Carter! You should have stayed closer to home. At least, mom and dad could keep an eye on you and you wouldn't have met—" she froze, not completing her sentence.

Anger rose inside me, done with the same conversation we've been having. But this time, I couldn't help but stick up for myself. "You know I was with Danny," I told her coolly. "Every time I'm not home, I'm with him. You probably caught onto that, Willow."

"Well, you shouldn't be!" She argued. "It isn't safe."

"For the love of God, Will!" I clenched out, bringing my hands into hair before tugging my roots. "Do you hear yourself? I'm almost twenty and I still have to let you, mom and dad know every plan I make? I'm an adult, and I'm tired of you treating me like anything but one!"

She said nothing for the next few moments, so I took a deep breath, closing my eyes so I could calm down. The last thing I wanted was to disappoint her, but she had to understand my perspective.

Softening my tone, I asked, "What's your problem with him, Will? He's never done anything to you."

She scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Maybe not to me, but I'm not an idiot, Carter. He isn't a good guy. He grew up in the system and it obviously changed him. Hell, he was a bully, even as a kid!"

While she spoke, I was ready to defend Daniel—and myself, since I also grown up in the system, although Daniel did try to shield me from the bad things. But her last sentence cut me off short.

"Kid? How did you know how he was as a kid?" I demanded, straightening my back.

Willow noticed my change in mood and instantly sobered up, her expression blank. "Our first visit to see you, your social worker told us that you and Daniel were raised together, and they've avoided separating the two of you. They hoped our parents would consider taking both of you."

She didn't continue at first, beginning to look hesitant. I released a shaky breath. "And?"

Despite her effort, there were cracks in her expression. She peered around our apartment, appearing almost nervous. "Mom and dad said they'd meet you both."

"And they didn't meet us both, did they?" I breathed out, shaking my head. Dread slithered its way into my chest. "Why?"

Willow didn't look up at first, tilting her head to the side. "Carter..."

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