Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14
A New Surprise

What started out as me not knowing what to say to Daniel, ended up being over a week of radio silence between us. At first, I made excuses as for why I couldn't talk to him—I spent my week working on assignments or reading through my textbooks. But when I started to get more free time, there were no more defences I could use.

I missed him, but I think I completely messed up our friendship. While being sober.

I tried everything to stop thinking about him. Studying. Running. Dancing. I even managed to practice playing on my guitar—by my mind always raced back to Daniel. 

He was busy. This was something I constantly reminded myself when I considered why wasn't he reaching out. He had a partial scholarship, so I knew he had to work so many extra hours to keep his grades up, and also make enough money to pay the other half of his tuition.

When I woke up with a nightmare on Friday, I couldn't help but think that I was still waking up to another nightmare. This one, alive and feasting on my thoughts at all hours of the day.

I came back from my run at eight in the morning, blasting music in my headphones while I got myself ready to shower. I spent a decent amount of time inside, exfoliating, washing my hair and shaving my arms and legs. By the time I came out, it was thirty minutes later. For the first time this week, I felt refreshed.

That was, until I picked up my phone from the counter and saw several text notifications. From Luis.

My phone nearly slipped from my hands, but I managed to grip it tight while holding the top of my towel against my chest.

Luis: Hey, Carter! Is Dan with you?

Luis: He wasn't here when he woke up and isn't answering my calls or texts.

Luis: I don't even think he came home last night.

Luis: I'm just hoping he's with you :)

Luis: Is he? Please tell me his is.

The instant fear of Dallas doing something to Daniel flashed in my mind. I tried to calm myself for a few moments before typing back a response.

Carter: Sorry! I was in the shower. No, Danny isn't here. I haven't seen him in a week.

His reply came in an instant.

Luis: That explains it.

Carter: Explains... what?

Luis: His moody behaviour. I just thought it was his weekly, 'I'm angry at the world' time. It's turned monthly now but this one was different than the others.

My heart squeezed. Did he run off? Or was he taken by Dallas? Is he hurt somewhere?

These thoughts came after one another, until my heart was slamming against my ribcage. With shaky fingers, I managed to write a reply.

Carter: I'm gonna look for him. I'll let you know when I find him.

The phone vibrated in my hand, but I already locked the screen and began using the towel to dry off the rest of my body before slipping into the clothes I left on the counter. Once I dressed in jeans and a sweater, I flung the door open and snatched my jacket off my bed before running toward the front of the apartment.

I got out in record time and headed toward the bus. I decided on stopping at the mall where Daniel worked, although the short commute was anything but peaceful. I spent most of the time internally freaking out because I had no idea how he would react to seeing me.

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