Light Headed

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Finally, the day of Stray Kids performance was today, and everyone was feeling mixes of excitement and nerves. Y/n made sure everyone was awake and fed before they all left for the venue. She was feeling worse than ever but decided it would be best to keep to her self, not wanting to add stress to the eventful day. 

They all arrived at the venue and started getting their hair and make up done. Y/n's legs were starting to feel weak so she decided to sit on a couch backstage until Stray Kids would perform. She saw Felix sitting in front of her, with his back facing her, and couldn't help but stare as he got his hair styled perfectly. Suddenly he glanced up and they made eye contact in the mirror. His dark eyes stared into hers intensely. He held her gaze with confidence and y/n could feel heat coming to her cheeks. Her heart starting beating faster as she got flustered and looked away. Felix smirked smugly without ever taking his eyes off her. Why is the happening? Felix is like a brother to me. I've even thought about him like this until now. 

Soon, the boys were heading out to perform, so y/n left to go watch in the crowd. She stood off to the side behind all the fans but still relatively close to the front. Her body was still feeling sick, but she wanted nothing more than to show her support to the boys. She cheered with the crowd as stray kids took their places on stage, and the loud music started through the speakers. The booming bass paired with their strong vocals filled up the room, the stays in the audience were cheering wildly. Y/n could feel her head throbbing, but tried her best to ignore it. On stage, Felix searched the crowd for the familiar face of y/n. 

He spotted her, standing next to a few other staff members. She couldn't help but smile brightly when he noticed her also looking at him. Then, she seemed to zone out a bit. Y/n reached up and placed her head on her forehead, seeming to try to block something out. Felix watched as one of the staff members next to her took notice. Then, Y/n's eyes rolled back and she collapsed into the staffs arms. Felix's faced dropped and heart stopped. 

For a second he forgot they were on stage, and took a small step towards the crowd, before being bumped into by another member. This shook him out of his thoughts completely, and he now noticed that he had stopped doing their choreography. He was a few beats behind, and quickly got back into position. He glanced over at Chan, who seemed to be giving him a frustrated look. Felix knew he should be worried about messing up their comeback stage, but the only thing in his mind was how y/n was. He finished the rest of the dance off muscle memory, and was the first one backstage. I have to ask what happened to her... where is the manager? He thought to himself. Before he could reach their manger he was stopped by Hyunjin.

"Dude! What happened? You were in my way. Why didn't you go to your spot? You know that's going to be broadcasted right?"

Hyunjin seemed extremely peeved, yet Felix still tried to ignore him and tun back around, but Chan stopped him shortly after.

"Felix you cant be concerned with other things when you are on stage. You need to focus on our performance for stays."

Unlike Hyunjin, this had managed to get the freckled boy's attention.

"Can't be concerned with other things? Don't tell me you saw what happened. Aren't you worried at all?!"

This clearly left the other members confused as to what Felix was referencing. They looked at him confused and watched as he stormed off, looking for answers of his own. Felix could here them calling after him but ignored them. The staff approached him but before they could speak, he interrupted them.

"Where is she?? Is she okay? What happened???"

"Felix, calm down. Y/n's fine. She's at the hospital. You can stop by to see her on the way home."

Felix never felt so rushed to get out of a place in his life.

"Y/n is in the hospital?!" Changbin yelled out.

"Oh my god I knew she should've taken the day off!" Minho followed.

"Chan you knew something was wrong?? Did you see?!" Jeongin questioned.

The members exploded into questions and all became frantic. They each felt guilty for having her work so hard, and wished she had taken it easier. Soon they were driving towards the hospital in the vans, on their way to see y/n.

Upon arrival, they were led to a room with y/n laying in a bed. They could see an IV and this immediately heightened their concerns. The 8 boys faces fell and they looked at their manager for an explanation. He explained that y/n had fainted due to exhaustion, and not to worry. She had been lacking nutrients and was extremely dehydrated. The doctor is having her stay in the hospital for the night, so she could rest and get her vitamins back. Felix knew he should relax after hearing that she was alright, but he was still incredibly on edge.

"Y/NNNN WE'RE SO SORRY!" Jisung cried out as he walked quickly to her bed side, reaching out for her hand. Chan stopped him by his collar before he could get there, saying

"Jisung stop. She needs to be resting right now. Be quiet so she can sleep." It was obvious their leader was not in a good mood, and no one wanted to be the one to set him off. "Kids, let's go home. We should leave her in peace." They all trailed behind Chan towards the door until Felix spoke,

"I'm not leaving."

Everyone turned to him after he said that. He was met with glares and confused looks all at once, but still he held his ground firm, refusing to leave the room.

"Felix. You can't stay here. Come home." Chan's words were strong and firm, not leaving much room for debate. Still, Felix refused to leave. Instead he just met Chan's eyes with a glare rivaling the one he was already receiving. Finally Chan sighed in defeat.

"Fine. Stay here then, I don't care what you do." And with that, Felix was left alone in the hospital room with a sleeping y/n.

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