Day Out

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"You're going to buy my meal right? You have to treat me it's only polite." Y/n said with a grin. Yoongi just rolled his eyes.

"If anything, you should buy, to celebrate my success."

"You're so cocky. Oldest should buy it has to be you." 

Yoongi scoffed as they got into the car, and y/n knew it meant he would be the one paying. He started to drive to the restaurant, the same one they always ate together at when they met up. A casual sushi bar, that felt almost homey on the inside. Yoongi parked the car and y/n started to get out, but he stopped her.

"Hey! you're really not going to bring it up?" he asked.

"Bring what up?"

"I know you were in the hospital y/n." 

Y/n knew she was in trouble when he said her full name, instead of the nickname he always called her. 

"It wasn't a big deal! Only one night, I was totally fine. Just resting."

"You should've told me. You didn't think I find out right? Obviously they would tell me, I'm still your emergency contact. Idiot." He flicked her forehead with the last word, and y/n just rolled her eyes and started getting out the car again.

"Whatever. Don't tell mom and dad."

"They probably know! Hey! If those boys you live with are working you too hard, I swear I'll do something, maybe yell at them for you! I'll tell them 'Leave my sister alone !'" He called after her as y/n quickly just walked into the building, scoffing and ignoring his calls.

When Yoongi entered, Y/n was already sitting at table, clearly pouting.

"Don't be such a baby bout it jeez." He said picking up a menu. Soon the pair ordered their food and ate, y/n listened to Yoongi talked about work, and what he had been doing, and y/n did the same. They mostly caught up. She filled him in on her recent break up and what had happened. Yoongi clearly wanted to find the guy and give him a beating, but y/n knew he was all talk, still it offered some sort of comfort.

"By the way, some of the guys were saying they wanted to see you, you know Jungkook, Tae, Jimin.. They want you to go out for barbecue with them." 

Y/n pondered the invitation Yoongi gave her. She was close with most of the BTS members. When she was younger, her and yoongi's parents worked a lot. Instead of being home alone, she often went to the practice rooms with yoongi. Jungkook was only a few years older than her, so they often got along, as well as the others.

"Okay, it will be nice to see them. When are they wanting to go?"

"I think later tonight."

"Yeah sounds good! But I need to stop by the kids dorm first.. that's okay right?"

"Of course."

After catching up, Yoongi drove y/n to the dorm. As they were walking to the door, they saw Changbin about to walk inside.

"Changbin hey! I just need to stop by for a second." Y/n said, sliding past Changbin and walking inside the dorm.

"Oh h-hello y/n and su- ah Yoongi. Did you want to come inside?"

Y/n turned around and started to decline, "NO. he wants to wai-"

"Why thank you so much for offering Changbin." Yoongi inturruped with a sly smile, walking inside the dorm. Y/n just scoffed and went to finish what she needed to do. She had a few small task she needed to do such as change the laundry load, put a few things away, ect.

Meanwhile, Yoongi looked around the living room, more closely than he did before. He wanted to examine how Y/n was living, and was just overall being nosey. Changbin had left the room in order to "get the others". He soon came back with a few members in tow, including Seungmin, Chan, and Minho. Felix was home, but refused to go out and see their guest. 

Y/n went to the boys bedrooms, gathering a load of whites for the laundry. She could hear everyone in the living room chatting, so she was surprised when Felix was inside of his bedroom.

"Oh Felix, why aren't you out there? I'm here for your laundry." She said as she walked to his laundry basket.

"I don't want to go out there and see that guy."

Y/n looked over at Felix after he said that, but he wasn't looking her in the eye. She opened her mouth to speak but he interrupted, quickly changing the subject.

"Anyways, how is your date?" This time after speaking he looked the girl right in the eyes, but his face was blank.

"Oh no Felix don't even say that! Gross it's not a date! He's my brother!" Y/n shivered with disgust at the idea. Felix's eyes widened. He felt like such an idiot, and his cheeks flushed red with embaressment. 

"What?! But then... What?!"

"Do you guys actually not know he's my brother?!"

"You never once mentioned this!"

"What?! How could I not have? I must have told you before!"

"Well, I mean, Y/n, well" Felix was stuttering a little over his words, and his cheeks were still hot and red. y/n stared at him carefully, waiting for the boy to get his sentence out. His freckles almost make him look like a strawberry. At this thought, a grin spread on y/n's face.

"If you're not on a date with him then go on a date with me!" 

Despite Felix's confidence in the words, his face was still covered in a blush. Y/n felt her heart skip a beat, and she felt heat rising to her cheeks also. Thousands of thoughts rushed through her head. A date with Felix? Is this really happening?  I feel so happy he asked. He stared at her waiting for a response, and y/n quickly snapped out of her daze.

"Y-Yes! When?"

"Really? Okay uhh can we go tomorrow? We have no schedule in the afternoon."

"Okay! Sounds good!" 

After agreeing on the plans, Y/n turned and rushed out of the room in a panic. Inside, Felix's heart was still racing, and he silently cheered to himself, overjoyed that his long time fantasy was coming true. Y/n was catching her breath on the other side, and felt like her heart was going to pound out of her chest. 

Meanwhile, when Y/n went around collecting all the laundry, Yoongi sat in the living room with the boys.

"So you live with Y/n? And you guys are all friends?" Yoongi questions eyeing the present members. The atmosphere was little tense, and the boys all seemed on edge by Yoongi's  interrogation.

"Of course! Just friends! Nothing weird I swear." Answered Chan.

"But yoongi, how do you know y/n?" asked Seungmin.

"What?! She never told you?! Never even mentioned me? wow.. I'm her brother."

Just then, y/n came into the living room, still slightly flustered, but tried to play it all off.

"Woah y/n what's up with you?" Asked Minho, a small smirk playing on his face as he made guessing in his head about what had happened.

"Nothing! What are you talking about? Yoongi, let's go." She said while immediately going out the door. 

The four boys on the couch stared until Yoongi stood up, following her out. Before exiting the door he made sure he got the final word.

"I got my eye on you guys." He spoke, leaving the three remaining boys speechless.

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