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After the conversation with her brother, Y/n rushed home. The feeling of hope filled her chest and she was honestly proud of herself. Don't get too overexcited y/n... you don't even know if it'll work. She reminded herself. After reaching the dorm she quickly went inside. Jeongin was seated on the couch playing video games. She ran over and pinched his cheeks in both hands. It had been so long since she had done that, and it felt familiar and comforting.

"Innie, where is Chan?"

"He's meeting with the PR manager." Jeongin's words came out muffled due to the girl holding his face.

"Right now?!" Y/n pulled out her phone and checked Stray Kids schedule. She usually had it updated at all times so she could efficiently do her job, but somehow she had no idea about this meeting.

"Jeongin! Why didn't they tell me about this? Do you think they will fire me?!" Y/n said with wide eyes. She knew she should relax, it was only one meeting and not even all the members were going. But with everything going on, it was hard to think of it as one little thing.

Jeongin sat up straight at her words. "Fire you?! They won't. Chan promised." Despite his confident words his face told another story. Suddenly the front door opened and Chan walked in, followed by their head manager. The leader's face was hard to read. He furrowed his brows and looked straight ahead, seeming to be deep in thought. Y/n glanced at the manager who's face was also serious. He met her eyes and began to speak.

"Y/n, I'm glad you are here. We need to talk, why don't you come to my office today?" 

"Oh my gosh are you going to fire me?!" Y/n felt panicked and started to freak out. Jeongin looked between the manager and Chan trying to read their expressions.

"Chan! He won't fire her right?!" Jeongin asked.

Before Chan could speak their manager spoke up. "Y/n's position here has come into question, this discussion is better held in private."

Y/n's heart dropped and face fell. She worked for years and wasn't anywhere near her goal, she couldn't leave now. She opened her mouth to speak but the manager turned and left before the words could get out.

"Y/n don't freak out. Nothing is set in stone. You won't lose your job." Chan said.

"I just came back from talking to Yoongi... I convinced him to work with us.. He just needs to talk to Namjoon and their team now... I can't get fired right before we fix this." Y/n spoke more to herself than to the people in the room.

"What did he agree to?" Chan asked.

Y/n explained everything to him and Chan's face lit up. "Y/n! Go talk to the manager and tell him that! He won't be able to fire you, you've done so much to help the situation. More than our staff could." Chan sent a text to the Stray Kids group chat, explaining the situation. 

"By the way, where is Felix?" Y/n asked.

"He's live right now, in the dance practice rooms." Jeongin answered.

Y/n's face fell slightly. Although Chan had brought some of the hope she felt earlier back, she was still filled with worry and dread. She wanted nothing more than to feel Felix's arms around her, but he obviously was busy now.

In the practice room, Felix sat in front of his phone reading comments. The PR team had recommended someone go live, and Felix volunteered as it has been a while since his last one. The comments were mixed right now, a good amount of support but also some hate thrown in from the scandal. Some of the messages were especially harsh, and it took a lot for him not to react for the camera.

Suddenly, his phone dinged with a message from Chan. He read Chan's explanation on the situation and smiled. He thought about how hard Y/n was trying and even blushed slightly. 

"Chan just sent me a funny message everyone! He said he's watching my live right now hahaha" The half lie rolled easily off of Felix's tongue. The last thing he wanted were people questioning why he was giggling at a text message.

"What song should I dance to now?" He asked, scrolling through a playlist. He pretended to read comment suggestions and think about a song but in reality he knew the whole time. He look for the perfect BTS song to dance to.

Felix knew he probably shouldn't be doing anything to acknowledge BTS, especially if the managers or PR team don't know about it but he didn't really care.

Mic drop began to play and Felix stood up to do the dance. He had always liked the powerful yet nonchalant moves. The beat of the song was catchy and fun to dance to. Felix moved with the music on live for everyone to see. His viewers spiked quickly, more people joining to watch him dance.

The comments got flooded with army, and a lot of them were saying hateful messages.

Leave the dancing to the professionals 

Don't be such a wannabe

Has this guy ever danced in his life?

BTS doesn't want trash like you covering their songs

Felix couldn't see the comments while he was dancing, but looked through them after the first chorus of the song. The music continued playing but he didn't finish off the dance. Army filled the comment section, trying to defend BTS on something that didn't need defending. Felix scrolled though the comments, looking for anything other than negativity. His face lit up as he read.

You're really good at that choreography!

Fanwars are stupid, you guys realize they probably know each other personally right?

Bts would be so proud of you!

Give us a full version!

Felix knew that Y/n had the right idea. The hate was prevalent but it was a start, a foot in the right direction.

Later that afternoon, Y/n stood anxiously outside the mangers office. She took a deep breath and  knocked on the door, it creaked open slowly beneath her touch and she poked her head in.

"Sir? You wanted to see me?" She spoke.

The man at the desk was tall and professional. He wore a dark suit that looked to be newly dry cleaned, and his face meant business.

"Y/n come have a seat. You've been a valuable member of our team for a while now, but it seems as if your value has run out. You brought a huge loss onto us that we are still struggling to fix. I don't want to let you go but I'm not sure how to even out this issue. We cannot keep a team member if their gain doesn't exceed loss."

"Sir please hear me out! I talked to Yoongi of BTS today and he is going to try to convince their team to work with us. I think I play a valuable roll in solving this issue and that you need me on your team." 

Y/n had practiced what she was going to say prior to coming. Changbin told her to be more confident and assertive, not afraid to yell. She tried her hardest to leave an impact with her words, but her voice came out frail and her cheeks were red.

Still, this seems to have caught their mangers attention.

"What exactly are you going to convince them of?"

Y/n explained everything like she did to Chan, but this time she made it sound much more professional and like a business deal, rather than showing up and banging on her brothers door.

"How do you know they will agree? What if they don't? Do you have a backup? Our team has been trying to gain their cooperation to no avail. I have a hard time believing that with one conversation you-"

He was cut off by the sound of Y/n's phone dinging. She cringed at herself for forgetting to silence the ringer before such an important meeting. Y/n picked her phone up to turn the ringer off but saw the message was from Yoongi. She smiled widely and triumphantly held the phone up for the manager to read the message.

"They agreed."

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