The Morning

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"Felix! Are you alright?!" Changbin exclaimed, quickly rushing to his side. 

Felix seemed to spared of any super major injuries. He only visibly suffered a busted lip, bruised eyebrow, and scraped cheek. Chan turned around and went back to look at Felix. 

"I can't believe that guy! Felix, what is this all about?!" Their leader was clearly worried.

Felix let out a frustrated grunt before speaking. "She brought her stupid friends into it! Forget it, I'm going to bed." He got up and stormed off, ignoring Chan yelling at him to clean his wounds and such. Jeongin was the only member to trail behind Felix. He tried to slam his bedroom door shut but Jeongin put his hand out and forced his way in.

"How could you let it get to this point?" Jeongin asked.

"What are you talking about Innie?! That guy attacked me!! For no reason too."

"Have you talked to Y/n?"

"Innie! Are you even on my side?! Why does it matter? Are you forgetting what just happened?!"

"Of course I'm on your side Felix! You've just been so dense I'm starting to think you don't even know why Jungkook did that!" Jeongin and Felix were now yelling at each other, both filled with frustration. The pain in Felix's face wasn't letting up which only made the boy more irritable.

"Oh I don't know why he did that and you do? Yeah right."

"Y/n probably told him about Jiwon!"

"What about Jiwon?! There isn't anything to tell! She's being so dramatic about it I can't believe her!"

"How can you be so oblivious!?! It seems like everyone knows what a shit person Jiwon is except you! I want to defend you Felix but you can't say that about y/n! For years she put up with Jiwon's crap! She never even complained about it!"

"What crap? Jiwon has never been anything but nice!"

"TO YOU! You're so blinded by her act you can't even see how she treats your closest friend! Do you know how many bad days Jiwon caused y/n?! She was never once nice or kind or friendly to her!" 

Suddenly Chan came into the room and made Jeongin leave. He looked at Felix's bruises himself and tried to ask about what had caused the situation. Despite Chan's attempts, Felix's lips stayed sealed the rest of the night. He laid in his bed awake thinking about what Jeongin had said. Was Jiwon really mean to Y/n? Did she say something at the park? Felix was beginning to feel a bit guilty as he thought about his relationship with Jiwon. He tried to think back to all the times the three of them were together. He could admit he felt some tension at times but not enough to make him question it. 

The rest of the night he struggled to fall asleep as he reflected on y/n's actions and Jeongin's words. Still he was able to feel confident in one conclusion. He didn't like Jungkook.

In the morning, y/n woke up with a huge headache. She thought back to drinking with Jungkook  and vaguely remembered her brother coming to pick them up. She glanced over at the clock to read 10:30 am. 

"Oh no! I slept in too late!" She said to herself. She jumped out of bed and imminently groaned at the pounding in her head. Y/n forced herself to ignore it and walk out to the kitchen. She was met with Chan, Seungmin, Hyunjin, and Minho sitting at the table. 

"Good morning guys! Sorry that I slept in.." The four boys just stared at her with unreadable expressions. For a second no one spoke, and y/n just stared feeling more and more awkward as time passed.

"There is some hangover soup over there. Changbin made it earlier." Minho spoke, nodding his head towards the counter.

"Oh! Thanks so much, I'll have to bring him extra food later." Y/n let out a chuckle as an attempt to lighten the mood, but it failed miserably. "Am I missing something? Did something happen last night?" 

Seungmin sighed heavily and Hyunjin rolled his eyes at the question.

"Y/n, don't bring your friends over anymore." Hyunjin said without looking over at the girl.

"My friends? You mean when Jungkook and Yoongi dropped me off?"

"Look, no hard feelings but its best if-" Chan started to speak before Seungmin cut him off.

"Oh I think there is few hard feelings." 

Chan glared at the younger's snarky remark, but continued with his sentance anyways.

"It's best if you keep your personal life separate from now on."

Y/n was confused at what they were saying. She hoped Jungkook and Yoongi didn't cause trouble but it was sounding like they did. 

"Um, do you want to explain what happened?" She asked.

Seungmin began explaining, clearly still angry. "Jungkook went feral y/n! He attacked Felix! You know what you can tell him that if I ever see him again I'm going to-"

"Wait what?! Jungkook did??"

"Y/n just don't bring him over here anymore, or mention him." Minho said, his voice also sounding quite unfriendly.

Y/n didn't really listen to him and went to Felix's room, hoping she would find him there. She opened the door to see him laying in bed and was relieved she was correct. He looked up with a frown but it seemed to soften a bit when he realized it was her. The change in emotion was minimal, but y/n was able to detect the slight change. She walked over to the bed and glanced at his face. The cut on his lip was scabbed over, and the bruises/scrapes seemed to already be healing.

"Felix, on behalf of Jungkook I'm sorry. Does it hurt?"

Felix scoffed. "I don't want an apology on behalf on him, he can do it himself. And of course it hurts! It's so sore."

 His tone almost seemed friendly, like he didn't hold any feelings of resent towards y/n. It was basically the first time they had talked since their argument, but it felt like so long. Y/n didn't expect to be so relieved to hear to his voice.

"I'll go get the medicine then." 

"Y/n wait!" 

Y/n ignored Felix calling her back and went to grab the first aid kit. Felix sighed to himself wondering if she was actually going to come back. She came back through the door and Felix mentally scolded himself for doubting. She opened the kit and got the materials she needed. Felix watched her fondly but tried not to let it show in his facial expressions. She reached towards his face to put medicine on his bruise, and Felix let her.

"Hey y/n, doesn't it remind you of back then? When you put medicine on my hand." Felix spoke softly with a sad tone.

Y/n hesitated before answering. The memory was one she held close to her heart, but now all she could think about is how Felix had sided with Jiwon. 

"It is pretty similar isn't it?" She said.

"Y/n, Is it true? About Jiwon?"

Felix didn't have to explain any further for y/n to know what he was talking about.

"Yeah, she's said a lot of cruel things in the past. That day in the park she crossed a line."

"I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry y/n. I feel so dumb for ever doubting you. I don't know what I was thinking and I regret it more than anything. I really love you y/n, I can't keep fighting with you."

Y/n's heart ached at his words. She could hear the sincerity in his voice, but it wasn't enough to make up for the betrayal she had felt that day. She looked at Felix's expression and met his eyes. They looked desperate, filled with longing and pleading for forgiveness. 

"Felix.... I can't... I believe you when you say you're sorry but every time I look at you I think about how you reacted that day. I've never felt so disappointed. For that moment you chose her over me, and I need some time to forget that."

After speaking y/n closed the first aid box and left the room. Felix watched her walk out his room and shut the door. He shoved his face into his pillow and let out a muffled cry. Still, he wasn't completely disappointed in her reply. She said she just needs time, I'm not going to lose her. I won't let that happen. He thought to himself.

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